Singapore Zoo’s RepTopia Has Animals So Smol They Fit On 5 Cent Coins

Follow us on Whatsapp for the latest updates Follow us on Telegram for the latest updates RepTopia At Singapore Zoo Shows Off Baby Animals A visit to the Singapore Zoo would probably find you surrounded by tons of little children. That can be now be said of baby reptiles too. As part of RepTopia – the zoo’s amphibian and reptiles branch’s – first anniversary, they’ll be showing off the ultra smol animals that they’ve managed to breed at their zoo exhibit. That means 80 adorable reptile babies across 8 different species — including the ultra venomous Gaboon Viper and resident cutie pie, Panther Chameleon. These are the reptiles we think you should definitely greet, if you’re heading down for a visit soon. 1. Gaboon Viper Head smaller than a dollar coin Photo courtesy of Wildlife Reserves Singapore The gaboon viper holds the dubious honour of being the snake with the world’s longest fangs of up to 5cm. A gaboon viper produces more venom than any other snake — enough to inject lethal doses into 30 men. It doesn’t help at all that it has the ability to deliver the most venom within a single bite. Young vipers are no disappointment … Continue reading Singapore Zoo’s RepTopia Has Animals So Smol They Fit On 5 Cent Coins