6 Reasons Why The Singapore-Malaysia Water Dispute Is Still Dragging On After 57 Years

Follow us on Whatsapp for the latest updates Follow us on Telegram for the latest updates We Explain Why Singapore Is Upset About The Water Dispute With Malaysia Being Dug Up Again Why is Singapore so riled up over the price of raw water? Why can’t we just pay a few more cents for this headache to go away? Turns out, it’s not money, but the significance of the Water Agreements that raises the stakes. We take you through the main events in the history of our water dispute with Malaysia, so you’ll understand why the bugbear is here to stay. 1. We enshrined the Water Agreements in our Separation Agreement Singapore and Malaysia guaranteed the 1961 and 1962 Water Agreements in our 1965 Separation Agreement. Otherwise known as the “Independence of Singapore Agreement”. Source This means Singapore cannot afford to be pushed around, as the Water Agreements are integral to her sovereignty. As former Prime Minister (PM) Goh Chok Tong said, Any breach of the Water Agreements would also call into question the Separation Agreement, and undermine our very existence. 2. Malaysia failed to request price reviews when she could How late is Malaysia at requesting for a price … Continue reading 6 Reasons Why The Singapore-Malaysia Water Dispute Is Still Dragging On After 57 Years