While a previous Scoot flight brought many Singaporeans back home, there are still quite a number of locals left in the city of Wuhan, China.
On Friday (7 Feb), The Straits Times reports that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) is arranging a second flight to ensure the return of 140 Singaporeans from the city – the known epicentre of the novel coronavirus – and other areas from Hubei province.
If you have any loved ones in the upcoming flight, then here’s what you need to know.
Last Thursday (30 Jan), MFA arranged the return of 92 Singaporeans in Wuhan, but some still remain stuck in the city. Authorities had to leave passengers who were showing signs and symptoms of the coronavirus.
Reuters reports that the second evacuation is scheduled within days.
MFA said in a statement,
MFA has continued discussions with Chinese authorities for another flight to bring Singaporeans back home.
Hence, Singaporeans in Wuhan and other areas in Hubei province must get in touch with the Singapore Embassy in Beijing or the Singapore Ministry of Foreign Affairs as soon as possible.
Locals still stuck in Wuhan and other areas in Hubei province should contact Singapore’s embassy in China.
Here is the contact information of relevant agencies:
Singapore Embassy in Beijing
Tel: +86-(10) 65321115 / +86 1391 0755 251
Email: singemb_bej@mfa.sg
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Duty Office (24-hours)
Tel: +65 6379 8800/8855
Email: mfa_duty_officer@mfa.gov.sg WITH AGENCIES
If you have friends and family still stuck in the city, then please let them know that they have an option to come back.
Similar to the first evacuation attempt, we expect that returning Singaporeans will undergo medical screening and a 14-day quarantine upon arrival at Changi Airport.
We sincerely wish that all returnees remain in good health. We also hope that all patients infected with the coronavirus will be able to recover soon.
Featured image from MFA & Science Mag.
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