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Woman, 23, in China marries 80-year-old man she met while volunteering at retirement home

23-year-old woman in China marries 80-year-old man she met at retirement home

A young woman, aged 23, found love in an unexpected place when she met an 80-year-old man at a retirement home while volunteering there.

The young woman, whose tasks involved taking care of the retirees among other things, soon realised that one particular elderly man found a special place in her heart.

Upon realising they both felt the same way, they decided to take the next step. However, the woman’s family didn’t support their relationship.

A volunteer found love at a retirement home

A surprising romance has been the talk of Chinese social media due to the wide age gap of 57 years between the parties.

Source: Sohu

In a rural town in China’s Hebei province, a 23-year-old woman quickly became friends with an 80-year-old retiree who was living in the retirement home she was volunteering at.

Over time, their friendship grew closer over their shared interests and hobbies. Their friendship eventually blossomed into something more.

Despite their shared interests, it was their differences that drew them in even closer.

According to Sohu, the woman found his maturity and wisdom appealing. He, on the other hand, was drawn to her youthful vibrancy and kindness.

Not everyone supported the pair’s relationship

However, the romance was met with strong opposition from her family. They found the age-gap to be too large, and also felt that the older man might be taking advantage of their young daughter.

Despite this, the woman decided to follow her heart and continue her relationship with the man.


Source: Sohu

According to Sohu, she cut off ties with her family and held a simple wedding, where they promised to be there for one other through sickness and health.

The website went on to say that despite challenges, such as naysayers who are cynical about their relationship and her having to bear the financial burden of the family, the pair was happy.

They would often take walks, have chats and do household chores together, it added.

Also read: Groom in Indonesia finds out wife is a man after 12 days of marriage

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Featured image adapted from Sohu

Buranond Kijwatanachai

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