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83-year-old granny & family members save man from falling off ledge of Tampines block

83-year-old granny & family members save man hanging onto ledge

On Monday (20 May), four individuals saved a 46-year-old man from falling off the ledge of a residential block in Tampines.

Fortunately, no injuries were reported, according to a media release published by the Singapore Police Force (SPF).

The family, which included an 83-year-old grandmother, was presented with the Public Spiritedness Award on Wednesday (23 May).

Granny offered words of encouragement while man was on ledge

On the day of the incident, Ms Siah Jia Lin, a 20-year-old Singapore Management University (SMU) student, was walking along her block’s common corridor, reported The Straits Times (ST).

She then noticed the man hanging onto a ledge of the building’s eighth-floor, using a small platform as support.

This prompted Ms Siah to seek assistance.

Immediately, her father, grandmother and domestic helper responded to the situation. Upon rushing to the man, they held onto him.

Speaking to ST, the elderly woman, Ms Ho Soo Pong, shared that the man “kept saying he was tired”.

To prevent him from drifting off to sleep, she kept speaking to him and offered words of encouragement.

Family held onto man while waiting for assistance

Ms Siah also dialled the police before going to the nearby police station.


Meanwhile, her father, grandmother and domestic helper continued to hold onto the man’s arms.

When officers from SPF and SCDF arrived, they managed to bring the man to safety.

He was later apprehended under section 7 of the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) Act 2008.

At the award ceremony, Assistant Commissioner of Police (AC) Justin Wong, Commander of Bedok Police Division, praised the recipients for their selflessness.

“The quick actions by the Siah family and their migrant domestic worker that night saved a life,” AC Wong said.

“I hope the courageous acts of this selfless family will inspire others to step forward, when they see their fellow man in need.”

Also read: Commuter Collapses At Canberra MRT Station, 2 Strangers Help Save His Life

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Featured image adapted from Singapore Police Force



Amber Ang

Amber is an unapologetic fangirl and a huge Swiftie.

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