For all gym rats and fitness junkies out there, perhaps one of the hardest things to endure during ‘Circuit Breaker’ was not being able to visit the gym.
This changed after Phase 2 started, when ActiveSG could reopen their gym and pool facilities. Due to safety measures, users have to book time slots to use the facilities.
Now, ActiveSG is implementing stricter protocol for these bookings. They’ll suspend users if they’re a no-show after booking these slots.
When ActiveSG facilities reopened in Phase 2, time bookings were enforced to avoid crowding and ensure safe distancing.
After 3 months, they are now implementing stricter booking policies.
Gym and pool users who do not turn up for their bookings up to 3 times in a month will be suspended for 2 weeks.
With the suspension, users will not be able to book any ActiveSG facilities.
This policy will start on Thursday (1 Oct) and suspended accounts will be notified via email.
Under the new booking policy, gym and pool users will only be able to book time slots 3 days in advance.
Prior to this, bookings were allowed 15 days in advance.
Since reopening in June, ActiveSG gyms experienced very high demands with about 98% of slots taken up monthly, reported The Straits Times.
Similarly, time slots for badminton courts were booked up to 87% capacity and 61% for pools.
ActiveSG’s policy changes hopes to provide everyone equal opportunity to use sports facilities.
According to The Straits Times, ActiveSG is pushing for stricter measures as they observed more than 15% of people who pre-booked time slots do not turn up.
In a bid to ensure everyone has a fair shot to enjoy the facilities, they are clamping down on individuals who do not show up at their allocated times.
ActiveSG clarified that in the case of facility maintenance or Category 1 weather conditions of lightning and downpour, users will not be penalised for not turning up.
While the stricter booking policy will not make things more convenient, it will help ensure better booking opportunities.
Under such circumstances, it will also necessitate better responsibility among those who look forward to using ActiveSG facilities.
On the bright side, it will mean you can stop making excuses and stick to your fitness routine with discipline.
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Featured image adapted from Facebook and ActiveSG.
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