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Amos Yee sports shaved head in latest photos from jail, projected parole in 2025

Amos Yee now in medium-security jail in Illinois, has no specific discharge date

Singaporean Amos Yee, who has been in and out of jail for the last decade, is now back in prison after tasting freedom for just one month.

New photos of him sporting a shaved head have emerged from his latest incarceration.

He’s set to spend at least a year more in jail — his latest projected date of parole eligibility is 2025.

Amos Yee now in medium-security jail

According to records from the Illinois Department of Corrections, 25-year-old Yee is currently at the Danville Correctional Center.

This is a medium-security prison for adult men located in the state of Illinois.

Source: Google Maps

He was apparently transferred there from Stateville Correctional Center, a maximum-security prison.

Latest mugshot shows a botak Amos Yee

Yee’s latest mugshot, as posted by the prison authorities, has him sporting a closely shaved head akin to that worn by Singaporean recruits during their national service — which he ironically never experienced.

This is in contrast to his appearance before his last release from jail in October 2023, where he had a full head of hair.

Source: Wali Khan on X

During his previous stint in jail, however, Yee’s hair was even shorter — he sported a Vin Diesel-inspired close shave.

Source: Wali Khan on X

Amos Yee could be released from jail on parole in 2025

It is likely Yee could be in jail for some time.


More details from the prison authorities reveal that his projected parole date has been updated to November 2025 — more than a year from now.

However, that just means that he may be granted parole — i.e. release from prison ahead of schedule — after a hearing.

Under “projected discharge date”, no specific date is listed. Instead, it says “3 yrs to life – to be determined”.

He was initially released three years early

Yee was sentenced to a total of six years’ jail, backdated to his arrest in 2020, for child pornography and grooming. That meant he was supposed to be released in October 2026.

However, he was released three years early on parole, on 6 Oct 2023.

His name was also listed on the Sex Offender Registry.

He returned to jail a month after parole

As a sex offender on parole, Yee was not allowed to access the Internet, according to the United States Courts website.

However, he made a blog post on 23 Oct, detailing his time in prison. He then posted again on 5 Nov.

He was subsequently sent back to jail on 7 Nov, just one month after his release.

Since returning to jail, Yee has managed to continue posting on his blog. In a post on 25 Jan, he claimed that during his one month on parole, he broke the rules by spending five to 10 hours daily on the Internet. He also visited “eight different churches”, he said.

Now back in jail, he faces an uncertain future. However, he predicts that he’ll be released again on parole in April 2025, after which he’ll probably get arrested again.

Also read: Amos Yee Arrested 1 Month After Release, Published 2 Blog Posts While On Parole

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Featured image adapted from the Illinois Department of Corrections.

Jeremy Lee

Analog person making do with a digital world.

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