
Anywheel Deploys Enforcers To Catch Bike Thieves, Says There Will Be No More Warnings

Anywheel Hires Enforcers To Catch Culprits Who Steal & Tamper With Bicycles

Bicycle-sharing companies like Anywheel have brought great convenience to many Singaporeans seeking an alternative mode of transport.


However, some unscrupulous users have resorted to underhanded means to hoard the bikes for themselves, denying others of their chance to use the public commodity.

On Sunday (6 Dec), Anywheel took to Facebook to share that they have hired enforcers who will be nabbing such errant users.


Anywheel won’t hesitate to call the police

According to its post, Anywheel has received a slew of complaints regarding its fleet of bikes being stolen, personally locked, or tampered with.

As such, the local company has decided to hire enforcers who will be going around Singapore catching such irresponsible users.


The bicycle-sharing company claims that they will no longer tolerate such acts and will stop issuing warnings moving forward.



Instead, Anywheel will report these users to the police and might even take legal actions against them.


They also urge users to lodge reports via their bicycle-sharing app whenever they spot one of their bicycles being misused.


This will reportedly allow the company to better track the reports lodged.

Netizens react positively to Anywheel’s move

The move has garnered positive responses from netizens, many of whom felt that such errant users ought to be punished.


This netizen took the chance to remind fellow users to park the bikes at designated places so as not to inconvenience others.


Another netizen recalled an occasion when he went on a wild goose’s chase for a bike, only to arrive at the conclusion that someone had brought it home.


Hope the enforcers will help to deter such acts

Stealing and tampering with shared bikes are extremely irresponsible acts that come at the expense of other users.

Though it’s a shame that the frequency of such acts has forced Anywheel to take drastic actions, we hope this will deter others from doing the same.

Together, users in the bicycle-sharing ecosystem can make the community a better one for all.

Have news you must share? Get in touch with us via email at

Featured image adapted from Facebook.

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