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Man in UK sues Apple after wife discovers ‘deleted texts’ sent to sex workers

Man sues Apple over ‘deleted texts’ to sex workers his wife discovered

A man from the United Kingdom (UK) is suing Apple for the ‘deleted texts’ to sex workers that his wife discovered.

Although he had deleted the messages on his iPhone, they still happened to be preserved on the family iMac.

The discovery led to a divorce which cost the man over £5 million (~S$8.6 million), the same amount that he’ll be seeking from Apple.

The lawsuit will be based on what the man claimed to be Apple’s lack of transparency over deleted messages.

Wife discovers husband’s deleted texts

The Times, which first broke the story on Thursday (13 June), did not disclose the man’s identity.

However, he is reportedly a middle-aged businessman based in England.

In the last years of his marriage, he had arranged meetings with prostitutes through the iMessage app on his iPhone.

Source: Unsplash. Image for illustration purposes only.

He would then delete the messages from his device after confirming the appointment.

He was caught, however, years later when his wife discovered the preserved messages on their family iMac.

Within a month, she filed for divorce.


Couple gets divorced after discovery

The man said that discovering the texts on the family iMac was a “brutal way” for his wife to find out.

“My thoughts are if I had been able to talk to her rationally and she had not had such a brutal realisation of it, I might still be married,” he said to The Times.

The businessman lamented the loss of what he described as a “superb marriage” of over 20 years, adding that hiring prostitutes was “something which many men do”.

Comparing his situation to his friends, he noted that many stay married despite affairs — which he considered a bigger breach of trust.

Businessman sues Apple for divorce losses and legal costs

As a result of the incident, the divorcee will be suing Apple for the £5 million (~S$8.6 million) he lost in the divorce and legal costs.

The Telegraph reported that the businessman is being represented by the London law firm Rosenblatt.

Simon Walton, a representative from the firm, told the paper that Apple had not been upfront with its users.

Particularly, the company has not been clear about “what happens to messages they [users] send and receive and, importantly, delete”.

“I would be eager to hear from other Apple customers who have experienced similar issues,” added Walton.

Also read: ‘I’ve given so many chances’: Bella Astillah announces second divorce from Aliff Aziz

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Featured image adapted from Unsplash and InfoMoney. Images for illustration purposes only. 

Buranond Kijwatanachai

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