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Man in Taiwan tattoos barcode on arm & uses it during payment at gas stations & convenience stores

Man in Taiwan tattoos e-invoice barcode on arm

Humans are always looking for ways to make their lives easier or convenient. After all, nobody loves dealing with inefficiencies or inconveniences.

In an attempt to increase efficiency, a man in Taiwan tattooed an e-invoice barcode on his forearm. News of the bizarre first broke in 2022 but recently resurfaced on Malaysian news site SAYS.

Source: Dcard

Explaining his decision, the man said he found it too troublesome to turn on his phone each time he needed to scan his e-invoice barcode when making payments.

Barcode tattoos worked in paying his purchases

In a post on Taiwanese social media platform Dcard, the man posted three videos of himself using the barcode tattoo for payments at convenience stores and gas stations.

Shortly after the card scanner beeped, the man’s e-invoice account number was reflected on the cashier’s screen.

Source: Dcard

He even narrated the cashiers’ reactions to his ingenious tattoo.

When I buy something now, the shop assistants will say, “Wow, is this really possible? How could this happen?” They have crazy eyes, but I enjoy watching their surprised expressions.

Tattoo may fade with time

In his post, the user highlighted the importance of choosing the right artist for such a tattoo.

The barcode had to be drawn with precision to mimic the e-invoice app code as even a small error could render the tattoo unusable.

Despite receiving praise for her work, the tattoo artist warned against getting barcode tattoos.

“The lines will fade over time, and the barcode will not be functional anymore. If you were to get it, please think twice!” the tattoo artist commented.


Also read: How this S’porean tattoo artist transforms women’s lives & restores confidence by giving them new nipples

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Featured image adapted from Dcard

Kim Shelly Tan

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