S’pore Facebook User Gives Begging Woman S$5 At Joo Chiat Complex, Spots Her Buying Lottery Later

Singapore User Says Begging Woman At Joo Chiat Complex Bought Lottery Ticket After Receiving S$5

When we see someone in need, our first instinct is to offer our help. Sometimes, though, certain individuals may use this readiness for other ends.

This appeared to be the case for a user on Facebook recently, who said they saw a woman beg for alms at Joo Chiat Complex.

They then gave her S$5, and later spotted the woman reportedly using the money to purchase a lottery ticket.

Singaporean gives begging woman at Joo Chiat Complex S$5

Posting to Complaint Singapore on Facebook, the OP shared that they often saw the woman at Geylang Serai, Joo Chiat and Arab Street asking people for donations.

Source: Facebook

Recently, the OP was at Joo Chiat Complex when she approached them to beg for S$5, claiming she was hungry.

Source: Facebook

They decided to hand over the S$5 and later entered a 7-Eleven store to purchase a pack of cigarettes.

To their shock, they saw the woman in a queue to buy a lottery ticket.

Source: Facebook

The OP ended their post by accusing her of cheating people out of their hard-earned money to gamble.

Netizens express mixed reactions to post

The post has since gone viral with over 400 comments on Facebook, with many slamming the woman for allegedly tricking the OP out of their money.

A few users said that they had seen the woman in the area before, with one stating that she had approached them at Geylang and Bedok.


Source: Facebook

Another netizen said he would usually give her money whenever he encountered her in the vicinity.

Source: Facebook

Some also held the view that the OP was being too harsh on the woman.

One such user suggested that she could merely be trying to get herself out of her situation by trying her luck.

Source: Facebook

One might argue that someone begging for money shouldn’t be spending on the lottery.

But on the flip side, once the money goes to them, it’s for them to use. We do hope that if she is in genuine need, that she gets the help she needs.

Also read: Kuala Lumpur ‘Beggars’ Take Grab & Earn Over RM8,000 In A Month, Enforcement Officers Take Action

Have news you must share? Get in touch with us via email at news@mustsharenews.com.

Featured image adapted from Facebook.

Sudeshna Dhar

Sudeshna is a lover of all romcoms, especially Gone Girl (2014).

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