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Bishan 5-room DBSS unit sells for S$1.5M, sets record for HDB resale flat in estate

Bishan 5-room DBSS unit in Natura Loft sells for S$1.5 million

A 5-room Design, Build and Sell Scheme (DBSS) apartment in Bishan was recently sold for S$1.5 million — a record price for HDB resale flats in the estate.

The unit, located within the Natura Loft DBSS project, has 86 years left on its lease and is a stone’s throw away from amenities like MRT stations, schools, and shopping malls.

Interestingly, Natura Loft is no stranger to million-dollar flats — the project has already seen many apartments changing hands for seven-figure sums.

DBSS unit sets new estate record in both Natura Loft and Bishan

According to HDB’s resale portal, the DBSS apartment in question is located between the 22nd and 24th floors of Block 275A Bishan Street 24.

Source: HDB

The unit has a floor area of about 120 square metres, which translates to roughly S$12,497 per square metre.

HDB’s resale portal states that the flat has 86 years and four months left on its lease.

Source: Google Maps

Location seems to be the key factor when determining the flat’s price tag. Besides being located a stone’s throw away from Bishan MRT Station, the project is also within walking distance of Whitley Secondary School and Bishan North Shopping Mall.

64 million-dollar transaction in DBSS project so far

According to property site, there have been 64 million-dollar transactions in Natura Loft thus far.

In fact, the project has frequently topped the charts for the most expensive sale in Bishan and occasionally for the whole of Singapore.

Earlier in January, a unit in the project sold for S$1.458 million. Four months before in Sep 2023, another unit changed hands for S$1.43 million.


Also read: 5-room Pinnacle@Duxton flat sold for S$1.5M, highest ever at estate

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Featured image adapted from Google Maps

Thanawut Fasaisirinan

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