In Sunday’s (14 Jun) update, an additional NTUC Fairprice outlet was added to the list of 18 locations visited by active Covid-19 cases since 2 Jun.
This is also the first major supermarket chain in Bukit Merah to be listed, according to the circular posted by the Ministry of Health (MOH).
Here’s the details of the visit:
MOH has previously clarified that the declaration of public areas is to facilitate contact tracing and to aid the progress of “epidemiological investigations”.
The locations will be updated on a “rolling basis” according to a 14-day incubation period, but residents don’t necessarily have to avoid these areas.
Though the visit to Lengkok Bahru’s NTUC Fairprice was done during off-peak hours, a large number of locations listed on MOH’s table did occur during weekends or popular visiting timings in supermarkets.
Residents have previously been advised to avoid peak hour & weekend crowds while doing their grocery shopping.
Also, from the list, a POSB centre at Kaki Bukit Recreation Centre was included as a place visited by Covid-19 patients during their infectious period.
The visits took place on:
Both of which are consider popular lunch hour & morning timings to visit the bank.
Online banking is recommended if possible, via phone apps or secure internet browsers to lessen the load on queues outside the premises which only accommodate limited visitors as per safe-distancing regulations.
Although the list of locations have been declared, MOH states that they’re mainly to facilitate contact-tracing efforts.
All visitors are reminded to check-in and check-out via SafeEntry & to keep a close lookout for respiratory symptoms after their visits.
There’s also currently no need to “avoid these places“, as affected areas have been disinfected and cleaned thoroughly.
We wish all new patients a swift recovery.
Visitors of these areas during similar timings should also pay close attention to the health of their loved ones, at least 14 days from the date of visit.
Featured image adapted from Google Maps & Google Maps.
When the self-administered anaesthetic wore off, the man ended up in unbearable agony.
The deceased was believed to have fought with her boyfriend on the day she died.
One TikTok user claimed they queued for 3 hours.
Passengers on the return flight were also affected.
The fish were left to struggle, slowly suffocating to death and discarded alive, ACRES said.
She had denied sex because she gave birth less than two weeks ago.