
Burglars break into S’pore couple’s car at KSL Mall in JB, steal cash & clothes

Singapore couple’s car burgled while parked at KSL City Mall carpark in JB

A couple from Singapore who drove into Johor Bahru (JB) to visit relatives had their car burgled recently while it was parked at the popular KSL City Mall.

The burglars took cash as well as newly bought clothes from the vehicle.

The couple has since filed a police report.

Burglars break into Singapore car at KSL Hotel in JB

According to Shin Min Daily News, the couple had driven from Singapore to JB to visit their nephew, Mr Zhong (name transliterated from Chinese) on Thursday (4 April).

Since they were staying overnight at KSL Hotel & Resort, the couple left their car at KSL City Mall’s carpark.

But upon walking to it the next day, they found the car’s door and hood open, as well as items in the vehicle missing.

“There were hundreds of dollars in cash and some newly bought clothes in the car, all of which were taken away,” Mr Zhong told Shin Min.

His aunt and uncle later made a police report.

Hotel management asks couple to reach out to mall manager

They also tried to seek help from hotel management but to no avail.

“After we reported the incident, we returned and discussed the matter with the manager,” Mr Zhong said.


“He said that the parking lot did not fall under the jurisdiction of the hotel, asked us to go to the KSL Mall management, and gave us the mall manager’s phone number.”

Mr Zhong called the number but failed to reach the mall management even after several attempts.

Thereafter, the couple took the police report and headed to the location of the incident to request access to CCTV footage from the security department.

Unfortunately, they found no electronic surveillance at the incident location. Therefore, they could not find out who the perpetrators were.

“It appears there are only three to four CCTV cameras, and none of them caught the perpetrator,” he said.

He noted that he and his family would not stay at the hotel in the future, saying:

I hope this can remind tourists traveling to Malaysia to always be vigilant.”

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Featured image adapted from Shin Min Daily News and Google Maps.

Jonathan Yee

Jonathan is a bedroom headbanger. His Kobo is never far from him.

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