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Car crashes into shrine in Thailand, residents check licence plate for lottery numbers

Car crashes into shrine famous for giving accurate lottery results

A pickup truck crashed into the 100-year-old Pu Chansom Shrine in Thailand early Monday morning (24 June).

Source: รับประกันทุกงานซ่อม ร้านเก่งโฟนเซอร์วิส ซ่อมแท็พเล็ตมือถือสมาร์ทโฟน on Facebook

Both driver and passenger were only lightly injured in the incident.

However, villagers flocked to the area to check the car’s licence plate, as the shrine is known for giving accurate lottery results.

Car crashes into shrine, leaves driver and passenger lightly injured

According to a Thairath report, the car crashed into the shrine around 2.10am on 24 June.

A witness heard a loud braking sound before the car crashed into the shrine at high speed.

Source: รับประกันทุกงานซ่อม ร้านเก่งโฟนเซอร์วิส ซ่อมแท็พเล็ตมือถือสมาร์ทโฟน on Facebook

As a result, the front of the car was heavily damaged. The shrine was also smashed into pieces.

Luckily, both driver and passenger were only lightly injured.

Residents check licence plate for lottery numbers

After the incident, residents flocked to the area to check the car’s licence plate number.

Source: รับประกันทุกงานซ่อม ร้านเก่งโฟนเซอร์วิส ซ่อมแท็พเล็ตมือถือสมาร์ทโฟน on Facebook

This is because the shrine is known for giving accurate lottery results.

Since then, people have sold out the lottery number 9357, which coincides with the car’s licence plate number.


Locals attribute accidents to a legend

Next to the shrine is a tree stump wrapped in multicoloured ribbons that is believed to house a spirit.

Locals believe that because of this, the shrine is a hotspot for accidents, some of which have been fatal.

Some victims said they had seen an old man dressed in white standing next to the tree, while others said they couldn’t see the trees in the middle of the road before their accident.

According to the villagers, the tree has also caused death to the people who have tried to cut it down during the construction of the road.

Also read: Thai man attacks monk & thrashes temple, dies after getting impaled by Buddha statue

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Featured image adapted from Source: รับประกันทุกงานซ่อม ร้านเก่งโฟนเซอร์วิส ซ่อมแท็พเล็ตมือถือสมาร์ทโฟน on Facebook

Kim Shelly Tan

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