Ever wanted to take that Instagram-worthy shot on the roads leading to the newly opened National Gallery? Here’s your chance.
National Development Minister Lawrence Wong announced on Tuesday (16 Feb) in a blog post and on Facebook that Car-Free Sunday SG will be held on the last Sunday of each month from February to July, between 7am to 9am.
Roads around the Padang – St Andrew’s Road, Stamford Road and Connaught Drive – and Fullerton Road will be fully closed to vehicles, while Shenton Way and Robinson Road will be partially closed for people to relax.
To actually get you up at 7 am on a Sunday and experiencing car-free roads, the authorities have activities lined up around the area in the morning. There will be food trucks, a mass aerobics and Zumba area and an area set aside for kids’ activities.
There will be a breakfast picnic area at the lawn in front of Victoria Theatre and Concert Hall, where you can enjoy roti prata, nasi lemak and other local dishes. Two museums will also open earlier at 9am: the re-furbished Asian Civilisations Museum and the newly-opened National Gallery of Singapore.
A 4.7km route for walking, jogging and cycling in the area will also flag off at 7am in front of the National Gallery.
Who knows, if all goes well enough, we may not even have a use for the ERP gantries in a couple of years.
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