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Man in S’pore places cannabis in wife’s car to frame her, faces up to 10 years’ jail

Man tries to frame wife by placing cannabis in her car

37-year-old Tan Xianglong (transliterated from Chinese) was charged in court on Thursday (23 May) for fabricating false evidence.

Court documents state that Mr Tan placed about 216 grams of cannabis in his wife’s car, which was at a carpark in Punggol last October.

Tan had reportedly done so with the intention for the police to “entertain the erroneous opinion” that his wife, Ms He Yanying (transliterated from Chinese) possessed the drug.

Faces up to seven years’ jail for planting cannabis in wife’s car

However, Mr Tan’s attempt to frame his wife failed. The indictment revealed that the cannabis found in his wife’s car belonged to him.

According to court records, he was quickly arrested and has been in police custody since 18 Oct last year.

If found guilty of fabricating evidence, he faces a jail term of at least seven years.

Faces separate charge for possessing drugs

Mr Tan also faces another charge of possessing controlled drugs.

He had 11 packets of “vegetable matter” found to contain not less than 216.17 grams of cannabis.

His case has been adjourned for additional charges to be finalised and is scheduled for a pre-trial conference on 30 May.

Possession of less than 330 grams of marijuana can result in a maximum prison sentence of 10 years, a fine of up to S$20,000, or both.


Also read: NTU student found with 100g of weed on campus, gets 6 years’ jail

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Featured image adapted from Shin Min Daily News.

Kim Shelly Tan

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