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Cat Exhibition At Malay Heritage Centre Lets You Learn Proverbs Among Cute Feline Lawn Art

Malay Heritage Center Has Cat Exhibition For You To Learn About Malay Proverbs Related To Cats

Our obsession with cats here in Singapore is real, and justifiably so.

Though most of us staying in HDB might not be able to own cats, many of us continue to care for our community stray kitties like they are our pets.

Recently, the Malay Heritage Centre (MHC) in Kampong Glam ‘welcomed’ a clowder of cats to its lawn as part of an exhibition featuring Juno — a Japanese artist famous for his works on Instagram.

Image courtesy of Malay Heritage Centre

‘Paw-verbs on the Lawn’ starts on 10 Mar and will be on display till 30 May.

Learn about Malay proverbs at cat exhibition

It’s common to find cats – or kucing in Malay – referenced in Malay proverbs.

Apart from admiring the cute exhibits, visitors will also be able to learn Malay proverbs at the exhibition, such as ‘serta lalu kucing, tikus tidak berdecit‘ which translates to ‘with the arrival of someone who instils fear, those who fear the person will keep silent’.

Image courtesy of Malay Heritage Centre

The event will shine a spotlight on 10 commonly used proverbs to showcase how cats are oftentimes used to metaphorically convey human behaviour.

Selfie with cat illustrations by Japanese artist Juno

Besides learning about proverbs, visitors can admire not 1, but 30 illustrations by Juno from mofu_sand — who has more than 300k followers on Instagram.


Image courtesy of MHC

These cute feline standees will definitely make for an enviable post on your Instagram feed.

Other activities available

There will also be storytelling performances by Gene Sha Rudyn – a renounced theatre actor, director and playwright – on 4 dates in March and May.

Named ‘The Lure of the Feline’, the performance explores the relationship Nusantara Malays have had with felines over the years, and how cats have become so embedded in the Malay language.

Here are the deets:

The Lure of the Feline
Dates: 20-21 Mar (Sat-Sun), 22-23 May (Sat-Sun)
Time: 11am and 1pm (two shows per day)
Language: Bilingual (English & Malay)
Ticket price: $10

Visitors can also take part in the ‘Find the Paw-Verb’ challenge from 16 Mar and stand a chance to win gifts like a cat illustration button badge from mofu_sand.

Follow MHC on Instagram for more information.

MHC is located in the centre of Kampong Glam and is a short 8-minute walk from Bugis and Nicoll Highway MRT stations.

Malay Heritage Centre
Address: 85 Sultan Gate, Singapore 198501
Opening hours: 10am-6pm (Tues-Sun)
Nearest MRT station: Bugis or Nicoll Highway

Kudos MHC for the educational & endearing exhibition

The exhibition isn’t just adorbs, but also educates the public about the Malay culture and language.

While you’re at the exhibition, perhaps it might also be a good idea to check out other permanent exhibitions that MHC has on display too.

Know someone who’s simply obsessed with all things cat-related? Inform them about this exhibition by tagging them in the comments below!

Have news you must share? Get in touch with us via email at

Featured image adapted from Malay Heritage Centre.

Geraldine Yeo

Tiny human who loves taking down bigger dudes.

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