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M’sia University Cat ‘Studying’ For PhD In ‘Meow Language’, Even Has Its Own Student Nametag

Resident Cat At Malaysia University Wears Tag Claiming To Study PhD In ‘Meow Language’

There are numerous qualities we can admire about cats — their regal nature, for example, or in some cases, even their singing abilities.

In this instance, it was a feline’s desire for further education that captured everyone’s attention. Even if it was just a cute little joke.

A university student in Malaysia revealed that the resident cat at the institute is apparently ‘studying’ for a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the “Meow Language”.

It even has its own little student tag, which it wears on its collar.

Resident cat at Malaysian university has PhD student tag

According to SAYS, a student at the University of Technology Malaysia (UTM), Wan Shahmi, posted pictures of the academically inclined kitty on TikTok.

In the images, he revealed that the cat has its own student nametag, which shows its name to be Che Chombi Che Choki, or Chombi for short.

Source: TikTok

On the other side of the card is a description of the feline’s PhD programme — “Meow Language with Honours”.

Source: TikTok

Very impressive, indeed.

SAYS notes that Chombi will complete its studies in October 2026.

Impressive dedication wows netizens

The video has since gone viral on TikTok, with many expressing their awe over the feline’s dedication to its studies.


A few have even started addressing it as “Dr Chombi”, despite it not having yet finished its programme.

Source: TikTok

One user quipped that the cat is “even more successful than humans”.

Source: TikTok

And of course, there were those who lamented that a cat could get a PhD before them.

Source: TikTok

A very well-educated cat

Jokes aside, it’s truly endearing to see all the love and appreciation Chombi is getting from the humans around it.

Kudos to those at the university for looking after Chombi and even ‘enrolling’ it in a PhD programme to boot.

Here’s hoping the future Dr Chombi does its peers proud and graduates with flying colours.

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Featured image adapted from @shahmirisz on TikTok.

Sudeshna Dhar

Sudeshna is a lover of all romcoms, especially Gone Girl (2014).

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