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Max the Cat will receive a doctorate from US university after regular attendance for five years

Cat will receive a doctorate from US university

Max the Cat has been Vermont State University’s unofficial mascot for the past five years. And as students graduate this coming weekend, the cat will join them and receive an honorary doctorate from the university.

Source: @vermontstate_castleton on Instagram

The fitting name for his degree? Doctor in Litter-ature.

From feral cat to beloved university regular

It’s not your typical rags-to-riches story, but before he became the beloved campus cat, Max was a feral cat.

Ashley Dow adopted Max and lived together with the tabby in Castleton, Vermont for the past five years.

Being the regular urban explorer, Max would often stop by the university to hitch rides on student backpacks or to pose for the photography class.

Source: @vermontstate_castleton on Instagram

He was so beloved by the students that, in an interview with Vermont Public, Max’s mom revealed that when Max stopped visiting the university for a short while, the students put up a shrine for him.

She added that the students would also look out for Max whenever he was attacked by feral cats. The students would even text her to give her updates on the little troublemaker’s whereabouts.

Honoured by the university

Soon, Max will join the students who look out for him. In a post on social media, the university announced that Max will be an honorary member of the graduating class of 2024.

Source: @vermontstate_castleton on Instagram

Max will receive the Doctor of Litter-ature with a “resounding purr of approval from the faculty,” the post said.

Unfortunately, Max won’t be giving moving speeches on commencement day, mostly due to his busy exploration schedule.


Also read: Cat in M’sia draws envy after it celebrates birthday at Louis Vuitton store

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Featured image adapted from @vermontstate_castleton on Instagram.

Buranond Kijwatanachai

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