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Cathay AMK Hub Moviegoers Bring TOYOGO Containers, Buckets & Huge Basins To Redeem Popcorn

Moviegoers Bring Containers & Basins To Cathay AMK Hub For 3kg Of Popcorn

A horde of eager customers recently descended upon Cathay at AMK Hub. It was not the latest movie tickets they sought, but rather a veritable mountain of popcorn.

On 6 Sep, the theatre held its Bring Your Own Container Day from 1pm to 5pm.

The first 100 people who purchased a medium popcorn combo could redeem up to 3kg of popcorn in any one eligible container.

The customers thus intended to collect the promised popcorn, armed with TOYOGO containers and huge metal basins.

Cathay announces popcorn promotion

On 24 Aug, Cathay Cineplexes announced a special promotion to take place today (6 Sep), from 1pm to 5pm.

The first 100 customers to purchase a medium popcorn combo could redeem up to 3kg of popcorn, limited to one container they brought.

However, they set some restrictions on the eligibility of said containers. Pots and pails were A-Okay, but bags, boxes, and fragile containers were hit with a “cannot lah”.

Source: Cathay Cineplexes on Facebook

TOYOGO boxes galore on 6 Sep

Sure enough, Singaporeans were not about to miss out on this huge deal. Over an hour before the promotion was set to start, queues of people and their boxes began to form.

Source: Cathay Cineplexes on Facebook

The classic TOYOGO boxes proved to be a crowd favourite. The popcorn redeemers hauled along all shapes and sizes of them as their container of choice.

Source: Cathay Cineplexes on Facebook

In fact, staff from the TOYOGO Group themselves arrived on the scene with boxes and buckets specifically marked for popcorn.


Source: TOYOGO Group on Facebook

They then left with quite the impressive haul.

Source: TOYOGO Group on Facebook

Cathay packed basins full of delicious popcorn

However, not all customers showed up with the clear plastic boxes.

One unorthodox customer brought along a large metal basin, not unlike one for you would see used for washing veggies.

Source: Cathay Cineplexes on Facebook

Later on, presumably the same person could be seen carrying away the basin, filled full with yellow and white kernels.

Source: Cathay Cineplexes on Facebook

Hopefully, he brought some cling wrap along to avoid a spill.

Surprisingly, Cathay Cineplexes said that limited queue numbers for redemption were still available as of 3pm.

Source: Cathay Cineplexes on Facebook

What would you have brought along to store your 3kg of popcorn? Let us know in the comments.

Have news you must share? Get in touch with us via email at

Featured image adapted from TOYOGO Group on Facebook and Cathay Cineplexes on Facebook.

Ethan Oh

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