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S’pore-Johor Causeway celebrating 100-year anniversary on 28 June, morning congestion expected

Morning congestion expected on 28 June due to Causeway 100-year anniversary celebration

The authorities have warned commuters of possible congestion on the Singapore-Johor Bahru Causeway tomorrow (28 June) as the iconic crossing celebrates its 100th anniversary.

The celebrations will begin at 8.30am and are expected to last an hour.

Congestion expected during celebrations

On Thursday (27 June), Johor Chief Minister Oon Hafiz took to Facebook to warn commuters about possible congestion along the Causeway on 28 June morning.

Source: Onn Hafiz Ghazi on Facebook

In the post, he said the celebrations will begin at 8.30am and last until 9.30am.

Given the possible congestion, Mr Oon Hafiz urged commuters to “travel early” and plan their journey accordingly.

Stage for Causeway centenary celebrations already up

As of Thursday (27 June) afternoon, commuters can already see authorities setting up stages and decorations in preparation for the centenary celebrations.

Construction for the bridge began in 1919, and was inaugurated on 28 June 1924, said State Youth, Sports, Entrepreneur Development, and Cooperatives Committee Chairman Mohd Hairi Mad Shah.

Source: Facebook

“This means that the Causeway was built before our country gained independence. Let us all commemorate, appreciate, and understand the continuity of this historic structure,” he added.

For those who can’t make the celebrations, the chairman encouraged people to visit the Johor Tokoh Museum. The museum will have an exhibit featuring the bridge’s history and details of its operation up until today.

Also read: S’pore checkpoints see 3-hour jams as Hari Raya Haji long weekend kicks off


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Featured image adapted from Wikimedia Commons and Facebook

Buranond Kijwatanachai

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