
96-Year-Old Childhood Friends In China Lose Touch For 60 Years, Marry After Chance Reunion

96-Year-Old Childhood Friends From China Marry After 60 Years Apart

Although love is something most – if not all – of us strive to attain, not everyone is lucky enough to experience it.

For some, it may never come to pass, due to either bad timing or a missed opportunity.

For an elderly couple from China, it was the former that initially robbed them of a chance at love.

Source: Weibo

60 years later, fate granted the childhood friends another opportunity, which they fully seized by finally getting married at the age of 94.

Childhood friends lost touch due to war

The couple first met when they were children as their fathers ran a photo studio together in eastern China.

Their fates appear to have been intertwined since birth as they were born just five hours apart in 1926.

Source: Weibo

Speaking to 021视频 on Weibo, the man explained that both their families moved to Shanghai after the Second Sino-Japanese War broke out in 1937.

Sadly, he lost touch with the woman’s family after the latter moved to a different province a few years later.

Woman’s brother helped reunite couple after 60 years

Six decades later, the man ran into his childhood friend’s brother at a dinner for retirees.

He asked the latter how his elder sister was doing and was told she was still alive.


Soon after, he paid her a visit, leading to a joyful reunion between the two.

Source: Weibo

“When I got there, she didn’t recognise me, but she realised who I was after we talked for a while,” he said.

At the time, the year was 2019 and both had already turned 94.

As both of them were single, they decided to get married in 2020 to keep each other company.

Couple now lives together in a nursing home

Two years later, the couple remains happily married and now resides together in a nursing home.

Since they got married at an old age, the woman says, “This is not some young love where we simply say ‘I love you’ to each other.”

Source: Weibo

Rather, she sees this as a union where they take care of each other.

As for her husband, he views their reunion as an unexpected stroke of fate as he never thought they would ever meet again after all those years.

Agreeing with him, the woman says their life together is a good one.

Fated to be together since childhood

Love is truly a precious thing, and if one is fortunate enough to have it, one should hold on to it for as long as one can.

Now that these two have found love with each other after so much time apart, we hope their remaining years can be spent together in bliss.

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Featured image adapted from Weibo.

Rachel Fong

Rachel prides herself on having a meme or GIF response to everything. She also loves collecting Telegram sticker packs.