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Man In China Files For Divorce After Finding Out 3 Daughters He Raised Aren’t His

Man In China Seeks Divorce After Paternity Tests Reveal 3 Daughters Are From Wife’s Affair

When we devote our entire lives to building it with that one person, we often expect that same amount of devotion back. Not receiving it can result in a high amount of frustration and heartbreak for all parties involved.

This was the case in China recently, where a man is seeking a divorce from his wife of 16 years.

He has good reason for it, as paternity tests revealed that all three of his daughters were not his own. Instead, they were the result of an affair his wife had with someone else.

Man in China seeks divorce after discovering wife’s affair

The South China Morning Post (SCMP) reports that the man, who goes by Chen, has filed for divorce from his wife, Yu, after a marriage lasting 16 years.

Source: plus-design2012 on Flickr

Living in the Jiangxi province of Eastern China, Chen worked away from home to support his family. He said he never suspected his wife of having an affair as they would always stay in close contact through frequent voice and video calls.

However, he grew suspicious when Yu started to avoid his calls and said she too wanted to work away from home.

Chen proceeded to track Yu’s location through her mobile phone’s GPS. On 1 Mar, he followed Yu to a hotel in Eastern China and the next morning, saw her check out of it with a man she was having an affair with.

Although he initially forgave his wife for her infidelity, more shocking discoveries were about to unravel and send Chen’s world crashing down.

Discovers all 3 daughters are not his own

According to NetEase News, the couple had taken contraceptive measures after Yu gave birth to the first two children.

So when she became pregnant with a third child and claimed that the contraception had failed, an allegedly suspicious Chen sought a paternity test which revealed their youngest daughter as the biological child of another man. Despite this, he chose to stay in the marriage in an effort to keep the family together.


However, after noticing the lack of resemblance between him and his two other children, Chen ordered more paternity tests which confirmed that they were indeed not his biological children too.

Yu then left the premises of their home, disappearing altogether. A devastated Chen later approached local media to air his troubles, noted SCMP.

Speaking to China Jiangxi Radio and TV Station, he visibly cried with his head in his hands while lamenting his plight.

“None of them was my own child,” he said.

Wife stands by behaviour

SCMP states that China Jiangxi Radio and TV Station also managed to track Yu down and approach her for a comment. She was allegedly unrepentant during the interview, maintaining that she did not cheat on her husband.

Furthermore, she called Chen out for choosing to divorce her only after finding out the daughters weren’t his.

“The three children called him ‘dad’ for many years, but now he says the daughters are not his own,” she said. “What is the difference between him and an animal?”

The case has sparked outrage amongst netizens in China, many of whom expressed sympathy for Chen’s suffering and protested Yu’s lack of remorse.

Some have even pointed out that Chen could seek damages for psychological harm if he wishes to.

Wishing Chen and Yu the best in their case

It can be heartbreaking to have your partner express such dishonesty during the course of your life together.

However, it is also worthy to note that the daughters Chen and Yu have raised together also have much to lose from this case.

Hopefully, everyone involved in this matter will be able to reach an amicable resolution that minimises the damage to everyone, especially the innocent parties.

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Featured image adapted from the Sohu and The Paper.

Sudeshna Dhar

Sudeshna is a lover of all romcoms, especially Gone Girl (2014).

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