
Hikers Queue Up To Climb Tree At Dover Forest, Netizens Concerned Over Possible Damage

Hikers Climb Tree At Dover Forest, Netizens Worry About Destroying Greenery

People like to go hiking because it is not only a good exercise, but also helps us appreciate nature. Hence, most people who go on hikes are most likely nature lovers.

While Mother Nature has certainly given us a lot of Instagram-worthy pictures, we should also do our best to preserve our environment.

However, several hikers were seen queuing up to climb a tree in the Dover Forest.

This scene was captured and posted on a Facebook group, Singapore Hikers, much to the displeasure of many.

Concerns were raised over possible damage due to people stepping repeatedly on its roots.

Hikers queue up to climb tree at Dover Forest

On Sunday (14 Nov), a lady posted a picture of a man climbing a tree in the Dover Forest. Additionally, there were several others standing around.


According to the lady’s caption, the group was apparently queuing up to climb the tree.

In the picture, a man in red had already climbed a few feet up the tree while the rest looked on.

Excluding the man, there were at least 7 other onlookers.


Netizens urge hikers to not climb tree

Many netizens have since commented on the Facebook post to voice their disagreement with such actions.


Most said that the hikers should protect nature instead of touching and destroying it.


In response to one netizen who asked what was wrong with climbing a tree, another mentioned it was not only dangerous, but it would also damage the tree.


Tree is popular as a climbing spot

It’s not the first incident where the tree was spotted with many climbers.

Since Dover Forest grew in prominence, this particular tree has been the spot of climbers due to its unique roots.

However, some, such as conservator and Dover Forest hiker Chua Chin Tat has previously urged hikers to leave the trees alone due to fears of damage.

According to a statement by National Parks Board & Singapore Land Authority, the public is reminded that areas in Dover Forest aren’t managed for recreation and public access.

This is because the terrain and ground are uneven, and there are no pathways.

The statement added that the areas are also peppered with regrowth vegetation, which is prone to falling and snapped branches.

Hence, the public is advised to be mindful of these dangers for their own personal safety.

Be clear about dos & don’ts when out in nature

As much as we would like to be one with nature, we should always be clear about the do’s and don’ts when out on nature trails.

After all, if we really want to preserve the environment for future generations, we should do our best to protect it.

While tree climbing is not necessarily wrong, too many people stepping on a single tree’s roots can cause irreversible damage and may lead to a mishap one day.

As such, it’s probably best to leave the trees alone — but authorities may have to step in if this persists.

Have news you must share? Get in touch with us via email at news@mustsharenews.com.

Featured image adapted from Singapore Hikers on Facebook

Kimberly Seah

Kimberly loves travelling and immersing herself in different cultures. Unfortunately, those plans are currently on hold.

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