Creepy-crawlies usually freak people out, making them either run or try to kill them.
So when they’re found in our food, the shock and disgust will be quite palpable.
Imagine how a diner felt when she found not one cockroach in her tofu, but half of it.
Source: Shin Min Daily News
Staff from the stall in Bukit Panjang Hawker Centre reportedly blamed supplier issues.
The incident was related to Shin Min Daily News by a man known only as Mr Zhang, 60, who brought his family of four for dinner.
They visited Bukit Panjang Hawker Centre at about 5pm on Sunday (1 Jan), and ordered a few side dishes from a soup stall.
Source: Google Maps
One of them was braised tofu.
When Mr Zhang’s daughter took a bite of a piece of tofu, he realised something was wrong.
He saw something black inside, and told her to stop eating and take a look at what she was putting in her mouth.
Revoltingly, they found half a dead cockroach pressed between the tofu.
From the photo he shared, the insect’s tail, feet and part of its body can clearly be seen sticking out of the food.
Worse still, Mr Zhang suspected that his daughter had swallowed the other half.
Unsurprisingly, she felt queasy and went to the toilet to try to regurgitate the other half, but to no avail.
The girl is usually afraid to see cockroaches, let alone actually eat one, her father said.
Their mood soured, the family went home without finishing their dinner, with the man saying,
We may not eat tofu for the rest of the year.
When he reported the find to the stall, no immediate apology was forthcoming, Mr Zhang claimed.
Source: Shin Min Daily News
They just said it was a problem with their supplier.
When Shin Min visited the stall that night, they found a staff member closing the stall.
He said he heard a colleague discussing the matter with a customer when he was in the kitchen, and mentioning a supplier problem.
The stall’s tofu is delivered to them by a factory that processes the food, which is sent to them by the supplier, he explained.
Feeling apologetic over the incident, he said he’ll bring the matter up with the stall owner, who will contact the supplier.
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Featured image adapted from Shin Min Daily News and Google Maps.
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