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20 New Covid-19 Cases, With 5 Imported & 1 Community Infection On 26 Sep

20 Covid-19 Cases On 26 Sep

It’s the weekend, but our health systems continue to work around the clock to tackle the Covid-19 outbreak.

Although now the outbreak has trickled to more manageable levels.

Image by MS News

The Ministry of Health (MOH) said on Saturday (26 Sep) that there are 20 new Covid-19 cases.

1 of them comes from the community while another 5 are imported cases.

Covid-19 community cases on 26 Sep

There’s 1 community case today, which MOH says is a Work Pass holder.

This breaks the streak of zero community cases seen on 4 days this past week.

The last time there was a community case was on Wednesday (23 Sep).

5 imported cases

MOH also reported 5 new imported cases, all of whom were put on Stay-Home Notices (SHN) upon arrival in Singapore.

Yesterday’s imported cases were from India and the Philippines.


All of the cases yesterday were asymptomatic, and this has been the case for most new cases as we conduct active testing and tracing.

Most cases are asymptomatic

Recent cases have largely been asymptomatic.

Most migrant workers, as well as imports, are found while they have no symptoms. This is thanks to our active testing regime we have going now.

As Singapore prepares to open more of the economy, we should expect this testing to continue — although we’re sure not many of us enjoy the swab test experience.

Hopefully a less painful version will be used in the future.

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Featured image by MS News.

Jonathan Yee

Jonathan is a bedroom headbanger. His Kobo is never far from him.