The Ministry of Health (MOH) announced as of 12pm on 4 Aug 295 new Covid-19 cases.
There are now a total of 53,346 cases.
While a majority of cases are from migrant workers in dormitories, there are also 2 community infections.
Of these, 1 involves a Singaporean, and 1 case is a work pass holder.
7 imported cases, who were put on Stay-Home Notices upon arrival in Singapore, were also reported.
MOH will release additional details at night.
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He charges RM100 for his basic service on weekdays and RM150 on weekends.
The hotter months this year are expected to be milder too.
The model said she began servicing groups of 5 men before slowing down for one-on-one…
The homeowners contacted the CBS team for help after being unable to reach their house.
Two people are in critical condition.
"Since everyone has created value together, they should enjoy the rewards," said the CEO.