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Cat feeder in S’pore appeals for more than S$3K in donations for community cat with inflamed bladder

Cat feeder appeals for over S$3K donations for community cat with inflamed bladder

A cat feeder in Singapore is urgently appealing for donations for a sick community cat that needs to undergo surgery.

After consulting a vet, the feline was found to have an inflamed bladder due to a bladder stone.

Source: Rosey Catz on Facebook

The total fees for surgery and hospitalisation are estimated to cost more than S$3,000.

Community cat appeared sick and restless after being rescued

A Facebook user by the name of Rosey Catz shared the appeal on the ‘Sayang Our Singapore’s Community Cats’ group on Sunday (8 June).

The OP highlighted that on 5 June, she and another cat feeder responded to a Facebook post of a lost cat in Woodlands Circle.

Source: Rosey Catz on Facebook

They rescued the cat on the same night, and named her Princess Belle.

However, when they brought her home, they noted that she kept “going in and out of the litter box and only urinated a few drops at a time”.

In addition, she was “restless” throughout the night and had a pitiful look on her face, said the post.

Doctor advises for cat to undergo surgery to remove bladder stone

After monitoring Princess Belle, the two cat feeders booked an appointment on SingVet.

At the clinic, she was found to have a bladder stone measuring 1cm. Due to the stone, she experiences difficulty when urinating and defecating. Her bladder is also inflamed.


Source: Rosey Catz on Facebook

The cost of the consultation, including medication and other procedures, came up to S$533.80.

Source: Rosey Catz on Facebook

The doctor also advised that the cat undergo cystotomy surgery to remove the stone as she is in pain.

Both feeders proceeded to book a slot for Princess Belle’s surgery at Woodgrove Vet, set for this coming Wednesday (12 June).

A screenshot of an email from SingVet pointed out that the estimated cost of the surgery is between S$2,000 and S$2,500.

Source: Rosey Catz on Facebook

However, the feeders are unable to foot the total bill by themselves, thus prompting them to reach out to the public.

If you are keen to donate to help Princess Belle undergo her surgery, you may send your donations through PayNow to Suriani at +65-9003-1934.

Describing the cat as “a beauty and a darling”, she added: “[We] seek all animal lovers’ hearts to help us pay for Princess Belle’s surgery.”

Also read: S’pore Community Cat Found With Blue Stain Across Body, Groomer Bathes & Shaves Feline For Safety

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Featured image adapted from Rosey Catz on Facebook

Amber Ang

Amber is an unapologetic fangirl and a huge Swiftie.

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