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Service at 6 Downtown Line stations disrupted after locomotive fire, SBS staff conveyed to hospital

Service at 6 Downtown Line stations suspended on 24 May morning

Train service at six Downtown Line stations — from Fort Canning Station to Mattar Station — was temporarily suspended on Friday (24 May) morning after a locomotive caught fire on the track.

Even though the fire occurred at about 1am, the maintenance vehicle could not be moved off the track until heat was dissipated from the vehicle.

Service between the six stations resumed progressively more than six hours later, from 7.30am.

Source: Land Transport Guru. For illustration purposes only.

An SBS Transit staff was conveyed to the hospital after feeling unwell. He is under observation for smoke inhalation but is “doing well”.

Train service resumed progressively from 7.26am

According to SBS Transit, the locomotive — used for maintenance works — caught fire at about 1am on Friday (24 May) at Mattar MRT Station.

Source: Land Transport Guru. For illustration purposes only.

Even though SCDF successfully extinguished the fire, the locomotive could not be moved off the track until heat dissipated from its body.

As a result, the affected section of the track had to be closed while engineers assessed the situation and conducted recovery works.

The six affected stations were:

  • Fort Canning
  • Bencoolen
  • Jalan Besar
  • Bendemeer
  • Geylang Bahru
  • Mattar

As the disruption dragged on till the start of train services in the morning, SBS Transit provided free rides on its regular bus services and bridging bus services, between Chinatown MRT Station and Bedok North MRT Station.

The transport operator also ran a Shuttle Train service between Macpherson and Bedok North MRT Stations.


SBS Transit shared that train service between Fort Canning and Mattar stations progressively resumed since 7.26am, more than six hours after the fire occurred.

SBS staff conveyed to hospital after feeling “unwell”

In a subsequent update at 11.18am, SBS Transit shared that one of its staff members was conveyed to the hospital as he was feeling unwell.

The SBS staff is currently undergoing observation for smoke inhalation but is assessed to be “doing well”.

In response to MS News‘ queries, SCDF said the fire involved the engine compartment of a locomotive.

29 individuals were evacuated for precautionary reasons.

The cause of the fire is under investigation.

Also read: Circle Line MRT Services Delayed Due To Track Fault, Up To 30 Mins Extra Travelling Time

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Featured image adapted from Wikimedia Commons

Jay Lo

Jay has an unhealthy obsession with Pokemon. He thinks he's qualified enough to be a member of the Elite 4.

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