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Young driver in M’sia remains calm after car mounts road divider, bystanders gather to help

Young driver in Malaysia keeps composure & remains calm after car mounts road divider

It can be terrifying to be on the road as a new driver — even more so to keep your composure when incidents occur.

A young girl seemingly managed it, though, as seen in a video that recently viral on TikTok.

Footage of the incident showed the female driver’s vehicle stuck after mounting a road divider.

Despite this, she remained calm while bystanders came forward and helped with the situation.

Driver in Malaysia keeps calm when car mounts road divider

The 17-second clip shows the girl in the driver’s seat of the car, remaining composed and smiling embarrassingly while on her phone.

Source: @darkcepet on TikTok

With half of her vehicle on the kerb, the driver seemingly had no way of getting out.

The truly heartwarming part of the video, however, was that bystanders stepped forward to help her with the situation.

Source: @darkcepet on TikTok

At least three individuals were seen helping her figure out how to get her vehicle back on the road.

Source: @darkcepet on TikTok

Netizens urge sympathy for girl

The video has since gone viral, with many users pointing out that there should be more sympathy for the girl, who was likely new to the roads.


Source: TikTok

One netizen said it’s perfectly normal to make mistakes while driving, adding that they hoped the driver would learn from this incident.

Source: TikTok

Another user shared that they had similarly driven their car into a drain a few days ago.

Source: TikTok

Speaking to Weirdkaya, the TikTok user who posted the video shared that the incident happened in front of a petrol station in Kuala Lumpur.

He said the vehicle had already mounted the divider as he passed by. After witnessing the scene, he decided to stop along the road shoulder.

“A few motorcycles and cars stopped. But mostly, many just passed by without offering help,” he noted.

Fortunately, there were no injuries. Members of the public, including the OP himself, subsequently lifted the car off the divider.

The girl later stopped her vehicle at a safer spot along the road.

Passers-by from all walks of life helped driver

The TikTok user said that despite remaining calm, the young driver might have felt anxious and embarrassed.

“She was okay,” he said. “Maybe she was anxious and embarrassed because when I passed by, she was still in the car. She might have called for help.”

He also praised those who stopped by to help, noting that they came from diverse ethnicities.

“I just want to highlight that everyone who helped did not consider race,” he said. ”

Also read: BMW attempts to give way to ambulance along BKE, unwittingly holds up traffic after stopping near barricade

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Featured image adapted from @darkcepet on TikTok.

Sudeshna Dhar

Sudeshna is a lover of all romcoms, especially Gone Girl (2014).

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