Driver in Thailand claims flying termites caused near-crash, blamed locals for eating frogs

Driver in Thailand claims flying termites caused near-crash

Rainy season usually means hazardous driving conditions, but one Thai driver discovered that it’s more than just wet roads that you have to watch out for.

In a TikTok post, the driver claimed that he had almost zero visibility because flying termites had splattered across his windshield, which led to a near-crash.

He blamed the locals for the massive amount of termites, saying that they had eaten too many frogs, which are the termites’ natural predators.

Flying termites cause hazardous driving conditions

The recent rainfall has been a godsend to alleviate some of the summer heat in Thailand. However, it has also led to swarms of termites taking to the skies.

Source: @watchaparnkraiphop on TikTok

Attracted to lights, these pests usually end up flooding nearby homes. They’ll even fly straight into oncoming lights, as one unlucky Thai driver discovered.

In a TikTok post viewed over 6.3 million times, user @watchaparnkraiphop showcased the gross front bumper of his Mercedes.

During his evening drive, he presumably ran into thousands of flying termites attracted to his front lights. His windshield did not fare better, with corpses of the termites nearly littering the entire thing.

Source: @watchaparnkraiphop on TikTok

“I almost died,” the man said.

Blames locals for indulging in frogs too much

“These are dangerous conditions for drivers, when there’s no one who’ll eat these termites,” the driver added.

Source: @p8106 on TikTok

In a joking manner, he blamed the local obsession with eating frogs. Frogs are a local Thai delicacy, especially for the people of Northeastern Thailand.


Unfortunately for the locals, these frogs are also the termite pests’ natural predator, who consider the termites a delicacy.

Source: @p8106 on TikTok

Another TikTok user added to the situation by posting the view of his front porch, which has been overrun with termites. The user also added that he kept around 100 frogs at his own home, but even they had to tap out after enjoying their meal.

Also read: 4 signs that your HDB has termites & expert tips on dealing with an infestation

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Featured images adapted from @watchaparnkraiphop on TikTok and @p8106 on TikTok











Buranond Kijwatanachai

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