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Video Of S’pore Driver Stopping To Push Wheelchair-Bound Elderly Man Across Road In Rain Goes Viral Again

Driver In Singapore Earns Praise Again For Pushing Wheelchair-Bound Elderly Across Road

In Singapore, it can become all too easy to get caught up in our own troubles. Every now and then, though, the Internet gives us a reminder of the need to be courteous towards others.

Recently, a video of a driver stopping his car in Toa Payoh to push a wheelchair-bound elderly individual across the road went viral.

While the incident occurred back in 2020, the driver in the footage earned praised from netizens for his act of kindness once again.

Wheelchair-bound elderly man stuck on road in heavy rain

Singapore Stuff on Facebook posted footage of the incident on Saturday (27 May), which quickly became viral, with over 1,100 shares at the time of writing.

The video starts by showing that the traffic lights had already turned green, for vehicles to move. As such, pedestrians should no longer be on the road.

Source: Singapore Stuff on Facebook

However, a wheelchair-bound elderly man carrying an umbrella, who appeared to be alone, may have run into some trouble while making his way across.

Without anyone to push him along, it must have been rather difficult to move quickly.

Driver helps wheelchair-bound elderly man cross safely

Fortunately, a driver rushed to his aid, raising his hand to gesture for other motorists to stop.

As they moved along, one could see a white Toyota Estima in the right-most lane with its wipers and hazard lights on, indicating that it’s likely the kind driver’s car.


Source: Singapore Stuff on Facebook

Pushing the elderly man across the street, the driver helped him up a slight slope and onto the pavement, ensuring that he was in a safe position.

Source: Singapore Stuff on Facebook

He then returned to his vehicle.

As motorists had already resumed driving down the street, the driver had to gesture for them to stop so he could safely return to his car.

Source: Singapore Stuff on Facebook

The video ends with the driver raising his hand in apology to the motorists waiting behind him before re-entering his vehicle.

Receives praise for courteous act

Back in September 2020, a Faecbook user first posted the video, which also became viral back then. According to the OP, the incident occurred at a traffic junction connecting Toa Payoh Lorong 4 and Toa Payoh Central.

Now, nearly three years later, the footage has gained significant attention once again, with many people commending the driver’s actions.

Several users praised the driver for his act of courtesy in assisting the elderly man across the road.

Source: Facebook

One commenter pointed out that such kind deeds are rare these days, expressing his appreciation for the man.

Source: Facebook

There were those who also urged traffic police to award the driver for his courteous behaviour.

Source: Facebook

Meanwhile, another user said that he, too, had helped an elderly individual cross the road in a similar manner.

Source: Facebook

He expressed his own gratitude to motorists for waiting by while he did so.

A kind act that shows the good of our community

Such an act of kindness going viral once again is a reminder of how much appreciation these kind individuals deserve.

Kudos to the driver for going out of his way to help the elderly man, as well as the other motorists who waited patiently while he did so, without honking or getting upset. In doing so, they’ve all set an example for the rest of us.

Hopefully, more people in Singapore will aspire to perform thoughtful deeds too, and extend a helping hand towards others in need.

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Featured image adapted from Singapore Stuff on Facebook.

Sudeshna Dhar

Sudeshna is a lover of all romcoms, especially Gone Girl (2014).

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