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Over 10 Seniors Allegedly Gather At Hougang Void Deck To Gamble, Resident Alerts Media

Elderly Group Allegedly Gamble At Hougang Void Deck Due To Boredom

A majority of the population has gotten their Covid-19 vaccine jab, with at least 75% fully inoculated as of 15 Aug.

However, the prevailing limit on social gatherings is still 5 people or less.

A Shin Min Daily News reader tipped off the Chinese newspaper about a large gathering of over 10 senior citizens at a Hougang HDB void deck.


They appeared to be gambling, and when approached, some allegedly said they were fully vaccinated and needed to “exercise” their brains.

Elderly allegedly gather at Hougang void deck to gamble

Shin Min Daily News reports that a 56-year-old reader, Mr Ang, called the 24-hour hotline regarding a gathering of more than 10 people at the void deck of Block 673 Hougang Ave 8.


The group, made up of senior citizens, were allegedly gambling with cards.

Mr Ang claimed that the group would gather every day from around 11am and play until around 5pm while occupying 2 tables at the void deck.

It sounds like they’re hard at work, if true.


According to Mr Ang, the gatherings had begun last year. Although the group doesn’t smoke, drink, or make noise, he noted that some weren’t wearing their masks properly.

He was apparently also concerned about the effects of the group’s activities on children.

Group tells reporter that they need to exercise their brains

A Shin Min Daily News reporter went down to the scene on Saturday (14 Aug) and observed a group exceeding 10 people gathered, just as Mr Ang described.

A crowd was watching, and one of the aunties allegedly had her mask pulled to chin level.

One of them, 74-year-old Ms Shi, who lives at the next block, claimed she was fully vaccinated and had her mask on so she wasn’t too worried about the Covid-19 spread.

She also claimed that she’d come down to watch them as she was bored at home.

She told the reporter,

Old people need to exercise their brains, or else they’ll get dementia.

The other tablemates, who asked not to be named, said they hadn’t received any complaints and that they weren’t making noise.

We’ve reached out to the police for a statement and will update the article if they reply.

Keeping to safe distancing limits is important

While it’s understandable that it may be boring to stay at home, the rules apply equally to everyone.

Adhering to prevailing safe distancing measures is highly important in curbing Covid-19 spread, even if your group is fully vaccinated.

Although the group doesn’t appear to be causing a disturbance, the number of people gathered still exceeds what is allowed.

Out of consideration to others, we hope that the aunties and uncles can keep to legal limits regarding gatherings.

Have news you must share? Get in touch with us via email at

Featured image adapted from Google Maps.

Jonathan Yee

Jonathan is a bedroom headbanger. His Kobo is never far from him.

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