Discipline is a habit. And one encik didn’t take well to two drunkards sleeping on the pavement at North Canal Road on Sunday (30 Jun) morning.
The video was posted onto Roads.sg and you can view it here.
He went up the slumbering duo and told them,
Wake up. 9 o’clock. Fall in.
In case you’re not familiar, ‘fall in’ is army lingo for assembling in lines.
The video opened with the encik going up, bending down and tapping the intoxicated boy on his shoulder.
When this attempt at waking him up failed, the encik verbalised his orders, military-style.
Unfortunately, the only response he received was a small leg movement from the boy — which was probably more of a comfort-adjustment than a feeble attempt at acknowledging the encik’s command.
If the duo belonged to a battalion, the consequences would be severe. But in this case, the encik said with resignation that sleeping like that was dangerous and walked off.
As he walked away, the cameraman tells him, “terok ah” in reference to the sleeping duo. The encik agrees and has a good laugh about it.
When you’re young and full of life, you go to the club and hammer it out. That’s all fine. But make sure you have trustworthy people with you to take you home in case of the above.
Who knows if some nocturnal roamer hasn’t already taken their wallets and phones while they were in their drunken stupor?
Featured image from Source.
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