If you’re living near Kampong Glam Community Centre and saw people queueing up near a cheerful little red and blue minivan this morning, you might have been wondering what it was.
That adorable vehicle was one of the FairPrice On Wheels minivans. The initiative kicked off – or should we say rolled out – yesterday (23 Apr), and seemed to be a success on its first day.
NTUC Enterprise’s Chief Executive Officer and Member of Parliament Mr Seah Kian Peng took to Facebook to share a few pictures of the programme being held at Kampong Glam CC’s car park.
The FairPrice On Wheels minivans are meant to be mobile supermarkets. They bring groceries and essentials to you, so you don’t have to travel to visit them.
From what we saw, they definitely didn’t scrimp on their offerings. The minivan at Kampong Glam was stuffed with fresh produce, bread, toilet paper, canned food and more.
They even had shelves of what looks like flour and bottles of soya sauce too.
Even with the smaller operating area, the staff manning the minivan kept customers and themselves a safe distance apart at all times.
Cones were placed to mark where customers should stand in the queue while observing a 1-metre distance from each other.
All staff and customers were protected with face masks as well.
They even provided chairs for customers who had difficulty standing in line for long periods of time.
This initiative is meant for the elderly, in particular, and aims to help make grocery shopping a little easier for them.
We covered details about it in another article, which you can read here.
It’s great to see that the first day of operations was a success.
Of course, it wouldn’t be possible with the staff who helped bring the groceries over, and manage the crowd.
If there’s enough demand for it, the vans may start visiting other areas of Singapore too.
We think it’s a great initiative, and hope that it can benefit even more Singaporeans in the near future.
Featured image adapted from Facebook.
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