Last Saturday, Singaporeans woke up to the threat of a looming thermonuclear war.
‘McDonald’s Singapore’ took shots at shade queen Wendy’s on Twitter.
We all prepared for the worst — a greasy clash of fast food giants with Ronald McDonald and the redhead 8-year-old from Wendy’s dueling it out till a bitter death.
Turns out that it was a false alarm. Disaster averted.
Out of nowhere, a Twitter handle named @McDonalds_SG fired off an innocent looking tweet.
Alluding to the 2015 closure of Wendy’s stores in Singapore, the tweet was a not too subtle jab at the fast food giant and its failure in Singapore.
Not wanting to be left behind, Wendy’s joined the party next.
While the tweet is relatively vague, it seems to imply that ‘McDonald’s Singapore’ Twitter insults are a “DIY” version of Wendy’s tweets, which are “professional”.
Given Wendy’s history of Twitter beef, people were naturally worried for the ‘McDonald’s Singapore’ Twitter handle.
The ‘McDonald’s Singapore’ handle wasn’t deterred though.
It responded by dishing out 2 tweets and a meme in rapid succession — all of them savagely mocking Wendy’s for not being able to compete with the golden arches in Singapore.
With a sufficient lack of clapbacks from Wendy’s, it seemed like “McDonald’s Singapore” had won the war.
Or did it?
Yesterday (31 Jul), in a statement to Marketing Interactive, a McDonald’s spokesperson said that the Twitter account was a fake — it was in no way affiliated with McDonald’s Singapore.
The account and tweets have since been taken down.
What makes this entire ordeal more puzzling was the fact that the supposed McDonald’s Twitter handle had a verified blue badge.
These badges are applied directly by Twitter and are given to accounts that deemed to be of public interest.
Official brand accounts like McDonald’s are often verified as well. McDonald’s Singapore and Twitter are working together to investigate the account and its origins.
But safe to say, Wendy’s remains undefeated on the inter-webs.
We think HalalSG’s Twitter account deserves a special mention for coming in a close second.
Featured image from YouTube and Marketing Interactive.
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