476 Family Violence Reports Since ‘Circuit Breaker’, SPF Will Support Both Victims & Offenders

22% Increase In Domestic Violence Cases During ‘Circuit Breaker’ Is Worrying, Singapore Aims To Support Victims

Since the start of stay home advisories, authorities have been noticing increasing cases of family violence in Singapore households.


On Thursday (14 May), the Singapore Police Force (SPF) reveals that there were already 476 police reports from 7 Apr to 6 May.

With the extension of the ‘Circuit Breaker’ to 1 Jun, SPF alongside several NGOs are looking to better support victims by helping them seek shelter and providing protection.

22% increase in family violence cases

Statistics have revealed that with more people required to stay home, there has been a rise in domestic violence cases.

According to Channel NewsAsia (CNA), SPF reports a 22% increase in such incidents since the beginning of ‘Circuit Breaker’ on 7 Apr.

These reports involve offenders facing charges related to hurt, criminal force and assault, criminal intimidation and wrongful confinement, says CNA.

The climbing numbers might be associated with the stress and isolation one is feeling or growing conflicts during this era of confinement.

Government & NGOs doing their best to support victims

Luckily, the government is working to extend help to victims of abuse, following the alarming increase we are observing.

Firstly, victims can temporary reside in a Ministry Of Social and Family Development (MSF) shelter, should they feel more comfortable away from home.


They are also given aid at Family Service Centre or the Family Violence Specialist Centre located in neighbourhoods.

SPF has also pledged to take care of the victims by checking on them and monitoring the situation.

Counselling family violence offenders

Authorities also understand that the issue often stems from problems related to mental health or finance.

This is why SPF is not only focusing on aiding victims, but also offenders.

SPF would refer them to social service branches depending on their need. This includes counselling and even funding assistance.

Call a hotline should you be facing any issues at home

This is a difficult time for everyone, especially for victims stuck at home with their abusers.

Should you require any assistance or know anyone who needs help pertaining to family violence or abuse, do inform the police or contact a hotline.

You can find more information here.

Related story:

Featured image adapted from CareCorner.


Vernice loves Brown from LINE FRIENDS and anything timey wimey. Also a huge Harry Potter stan.

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