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30-year-old man found dead inside shipping container in Mandai, had been missing for days

Man found dead in shipping container was employee from business at Mandai Foodlink

After going missing for days, a 30-year-old man was finally found inside a shipping container.

His lifeless body was found by his employer, who had been looking for him.

The police have classified the case as an unnatural death but do not suspect foul play.

Man’s body found in Mandai Foodlink on 22 May

The man’s body was found on Wednesday (22 May) morning, reported Shin Min Daily News.

A reader had told the paper that several police vehicles were seen at Mandai Foodlink — an industrial building.

Source: Google Maps

At 2pm, the police had put up a cordon around a unit on the third floor of the building, with seven or eight officers inside, according to reporters who arrived at the scene.

Putrid smell detected from shipping container, man found dead inside

When the door of a blue container in the unit was opened, a putrid smell emanated from it.

Police officers were seen collecting several pieces of evidence from it, including clothing.

In response to queries from MS News, the Singapore Police Force (SPF) said they were alerted to a case of unnatural death in 5 Mandai Link at about 11.35am.

“A 30-year-old man was found lying motionless inside a container and was pronounced dead at the scene by an SCDF (Singapore Civil Defence Force) paramedic,” it added.


Foul play is not suspected, based on police preliminary investigations, which are ongoing.

Deceased was an employee of alcoholic products business

A worker from an adjacent unit told Shin Min that they didn’t smell anything untoward the past few days, so they were shocked to know that someone had died.

The deceased was an employee of a business that sold alcoholic products that was operated by a middle-aged couple, the worker said.

While the company had been around for three or four years, the man had worked there for about a year.

Man found dead inside shipping container by employer

The deceased’s employer was also at the scene speaking to the police, according to Shin Min.

The man was observed to be red-eyed with a sombre expression, and he declined to speak to the media.

However, it was understood that he had been unable to contact his employee for days.

When he finally opened the container, he was shocked to see the man’s body inside.

It had already decomposed and gave off a strong stench.

Also read: Man Found Dead Inside Stall At Bukit Merah Hawker Centre, Classified As Unnatural Death

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Featured image adapted from Shin Min Daily News and Google Maps

Jeremy Lee

Analog person making do with a digital world.

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