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Woman Gifts Mum With LV Bag She Wanted 10 Years Ago Using Hard-Earned Savings

Singaporean Woman Uses Her Home-Based Business Savings To Buy LV Bag For Mum

There’s nothing quite as powerful and unconditional as a mother’s love for her child.

In Singapore, a filial daughter decided to gift her mum, her pillar of strength in life, with a Louis Vuitton (LV) bag to show appreciation.

And it wasn’t just any other LV bag—the luxury bag was the one her mother wanted 10 years ago.

However, back then, the older woman didn’t dare to enter the store, saying she didn’t look good enough.

Growing up, her daughter took these words to heart, vowing never to let her mother feel that way again.

Mum thought she didn’t “look good enough” to enter LV store years ago

On Saturday (12 Mar), a TikToker shared a story of her window shopping with her mum back when she was in primary school.


She remembered her mum pointing at an LV bag she liked.

But when she told her to enter the shop to check out the bag, she refused. Her mother said she didn’t “look good enough” to enter the store.


At that time, the OP couldn’t understand her mum’s thoughts.

From that day on, she told herself that she would “never make my (her) mum feel that way” once she gains independence.

Daughter worked hard to earn money for her mum

As the TikToker grew up, she worked hard studying in polytechnic while running a home-based business.

Now, 10 years after the incident, she finally managed to fulfil her mum’s wish.

The TikTok video then cuts to a sales assistant carrying an LV paper bag at the Marina Bay Sand’s LV Island store, walking towards her mum.


As she handed the bag over, the loving mother-daughter pair embraced one another.


The TikToker even recorded the exciting moment her mum unwrapped the valuable gift, unable to keep a smile off her face the whole time.


The pair shared a warm hug after, basking in the joyful moment the purchase was made.

lv bag gifts mumSource

The video then concluded with a clip of her mum happily posing with the bag.


The TikToker wrote, “I did it after a decade” in the caption.

Heartwarming moment shared between mum & daughter

As children, many look up to their mothers as the brave, ever-loving protector in their lives.

But growing up, we come to realise our mums, just like all of us, have their own insecurities and doubts.

Knowing her daughter remembered her words and worked hard to fulfil her wish must have been incredibly touching to the mother.

We’re glad that after a decade, the mother-daughter pair got to share such a special moment.

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Featured image adapted from @minxchen on TikTok.

Sze Yun Chu

Sze Yun egg-spires to be a living Gudetama who sees the gude (good) in all things. Oftentimes, you can see her jumpin' & poppin' to NCT’s music.

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