Examinations can make or break someone. As if a written examination isn’t intense enough, imagine having to interact with your examiner in an oral test.
In the case of one Malaysian woman, her examiner’s harsh treatment during her Chinese oral exam had her on the brink of tears.
While she started off enthusiastically, the teacher berated her for her eagerness.
As she was taken aback by the harsh response, she held back her tears as she continued the rest of her test.
On 5 Jul, TikTok user varsh_0 uploaded a video of her Chinese oral examination and how it went. The video starts with her teacher greeting her with a hello, to which she replies quickly.
The teacher then asked for OP’s name. She confidently stated her name in Chinese and started reciting her script.
Upon hearing her go off, her teacher stopped her in her tracks and said, “Not yet! Not yet!”
Source: TikTok
Using a harsh tone, her teacher stressed, “Follow my instruction. Just now, I asked, ‘What’s your name?’ because I wanted to do a check-in. Is your mic functioning or not?”
This aggressive response caught her off guard, and she posted a caption, “Crying internally”.
Source: TikTok
Visibly upset, she resumed the exam while holding back her tears.
Netizens were consoling her in the comments section, telling her that she didn’t deserve the harsh treatment.
One comment spoke for all of us as it reads, “So aggressive for what”, with a crying emoji.
Source: varsh_0 on TikTok
Seeing how the teacher reacted seemed to give this netizen flashbacks of the harsh scoldings they received during tuition classes. Since then, they said they started fearing all teachers.
Source: varsh_0 on TikTok
Meanwhile, a Mandarin speaker spread positive vibes, saying that the OP did an amazing job and they were proud of her.
Learning to master a new language can be daunting, so every step should be celebrated.
We may never know why this teacher had a harsh tone at the start of the examination. Perhaps she was stressed out.
Even so, better care could’ve been given as the experience of taking an oral examination is generally daunting for students.
What are some of the unforgettable experiences you’ve had with teachers? Let us know in the comments below.
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Featured image adapted from varsh_0 on TikTok
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