Going Cashless Lets You Travel For Free & Earn When You Spend
Growing up, many of us were taught that cash is king. But in 2018, that’s not as relevant anymore.
Instead, it’s cashless that’s king. Even our government is telling us to make the switch.
And it’s easy to see why cash is on its way out — it’s messy, time-consuming and easy to lose.
Here are 7 reasons to leave those ten dollar bills in the bank and go cashless:
Wallets packed with cash are no fun to carry around. And it could spoil that outfit you’ve been planning for your next Tinder date.
With cards, you can opt for a chic card holder that screams “I KNOW HOW TO DRESS” to your potential partner.
Major plus points.
Ever wondered how your old secondary school friend can go to Bali so many times in a year?
He isn’t actually forking out money on those trips — he’s just using credit cards that take him there faster.
Take Maybank Horizon Visa Cards, which are among Singapore’s best air miles cards. The cards have that distinction because during promotional periods, they reward you with:
With redemptions on Singapore Airlines starting at 7,500 air miles, all you need to do is spend around S$2,100 at selected outlets and get a ticket to Bali for free!
The thing about air miles and credit cards is that every air mile matters, so the more you spend, the further you go.
New to the workforce? Then you probably understand ‘Payday Pains’.
You know, when you’re 3 days away from payday but you see a limited edition pair of shoes on sale?
Normally you’d have to borrow money from them to fund your footwear ambitions. But once you go cashless – you can just swipe first and pay later.
Just remember to actually pay on time; late charges and interest are no fun.
If you’re new to the workforce and don’t want Payday Pains in the first place, consider using your cards as well.
The e-statements they offer allow you to track your spending easily. From a small caffè latte to big-ticket items like gadgets and flight tickets — no purchase goes unrecorded.
There’s a misconception that cards are more dangerous than cash.
But cards come with layers of security, from one-time passwords to even fingerprint recognition. A stolen card can quickly be blocked but recovering stolen cash can be a pain.
Few things are as high socioeconomic status (SES) as whipping out a card and signing for it.
Do you really want to be on a Tinder date and count out the S$33.70 for your ramen? Or would you rather just hand over your Maybank Horizon Visa Cards and say “Visa, please”?
Same for when you’re shopping. Just tap and go.
There’s another misconception about using cards – that they make you go a bit crazy with the spending. In fact, using cards can actually save you more on your purchases, thanks to cash rebate.
If you aren’t familiar with it, you’re probably a little late to the party.
In 2016, The Straits Times reported that most people look out for cash rebate figures when choosing a credit card. That’s because they understand the cumulative power of cash rebate.
This simply means that when you use your Maybank Family & Friends Card properly, you could get S$34.65 cash rebate simply by spending on monthly necessities.
Sign up for Maybank Cards now!
Now, all you have to do is to choose the right one.
For instance, the Maybank Family & Friends Card offers you up to 9% cash rebate on daily essentials, perfect for your next grocery shopping haul.
From now to 30 September 2018, you’ll also enjoy extra cash rebate and air miles on top of existing card benefits with a minimum spend of S$1,000 in a month.
Maybank Family & Friends Card
Maybank Horizon Visa Cards
Maybank World Mastercard
Get paid for shopping? Count us in.
So the next time you find yourself saying “Oops, I have to go to the ATM” – stop yourself and just whip out your Maybank Cards instead. With the bank’s new Triple One promotion, there’s no reason not to.
You’re very welcome.
Featured image from Amazon.
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