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Indonesian University Student Seemingly Wears Shower Cap To Convocation, It’s Graduation Hat Pulled Upwards

University Student’s Graduation Hat Hilariously Resembles A Shower Cap

Graduation from university is arguably the biggest event of a student’s school life. While the convocation ceremony is often elegant, one graduate appeared to break through the prim and proper decorum by wearing a shower cap instead.

However, a closer look would reveal that he merely reshaped his institution’s official graduation hat by pulling it upwards.

Even so, he gave everyone there and online viewers a good laugh with such a simple joking stunt.

While his joke was simple, it was definitely one for the books, especially for academic convocations that are no stranger to unique and often entertaining feats.

Student wears ‘shower cap’ at graduation ceremony

The square graduation hat or mortar board is no doubt one of the most iconic pieces of formal wear.

Source: Roy Pek on Flickr, for illustration purposes only

A symbol of accomplishment in higher education, it’s something to feel proud about donning.

However, instead of the symbolic apparel, a student at Indonesia’s Binus University showed up at his school’s convocation ceremony in what appeared to be a shower cap.

Source: @seincorium on TikTok

The absurd clash of attire drew smiles and laughter from his fellow graduates.

But before condemning his stunt, perhaps you should take a closer look and spot the the orange tassel on his headgear. Surely, shower caps don’t come with those (if they do, why?).

Common sense aside, the other students around him appeared to be wearing graduation hats that differ from the classic, squared design we’re used to.


Source: @seincorium on TikTok

Now imagine if the student in question had pressed his ‘shower cap’ down instead. Perhaps it would resemble a beret just like the hat everyone else was wearing.

Here’s a photo of what the hat would otherwise look like:

By these observations, we can therefore safely guess that the student created his ‘shower cap’ by pulling the hat upwards and out of shape for a puffy look.

Hilarity of shower cap clashes with decorum of graduation ceremonies

Graduation ceremonies are almost all straight-laced and serious, with graduates expected to act with utmost decorum.

Perhaps this view is reasonable, as graduation — a sign of educational and even developmental achievement — would hardly be improved by immature actions.

Still, the strictness and even stuffiness of these events made something as simple as pulling one’s hat out of shape into ridiculous hilarity.

After all, what could be a worse match for the ceremony than headwear for when you’re not even clothed in anything?

Source: Ron Lach on Pexels, for illustration purposes only

In fact, it seems like graduations act like a magnet for memorable and bizarre stunts. One last hurrah, perhaps.

Last month, a Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) graduate attempted to create a memorable moment by hitting a backflip.

While he failed at the backflip because he fell flat on his face instead, he definitely left a lasting impression on everyone there. Of course, the footage of the incident went viral quickly.

Source: Reddit

Another incident this year saw a Republic Polytechnic student take a dive into the school pond in full graduation attire.

Source: TikTok via AsiaOne on Facebook

One of many stunts at graduation

Some stunts bypassed the humour aspect and went straight to making use of the spotlight while on stage.

Last year, a National University of Singapore (NUS) graduate held up a sign that read “abolish the death penalty”.

Source: @AngMohSnowball on X (formerly Twitter)

And sometimes, the moments of hilarity which break the seriousness come completely by accident.

A graduate from the Singapore Management University (SMU) found her graduation hat falling off twice.

Source: @j1aying on TikTok

While pretending the graduation hat is a shower cap is milder than most of the examples, it still got his friends, and us, to laugh one more time. Hats off to him.

Perhaps it’s unsurprising that students are so bold at graduation. After all, what is the school going to do? Expel them?

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Featured image adapted from @seincorium on TikTok and Binus University. Image on the far right for illustration purposes only.

Ethan Oh

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