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20-year-old daughter of S’pore helper diagnosed with aneurysm dies, family thanks donors for support

Daughter of Singapore helper dies after aneurysm diagnoses

The daughter of a helper who fell into a coma after being diagnosed with an aneurysm has died, a day after she returned to the Philippines. The helper’s employer, Ms Andreana Tay, shared the news on Monday (3 June).

She’d started a fundraiser for Angel’s medical expenses, managing to raise more than S$33,000 before the unfortunate news.

The funds will go to Ms Tay’s helper to pay for Angel’s funeral as well as her hospitalisation and medical expenses.

Daughter of Singapore helper passes away after aneurysm diagnoses

Ms Tay shared on her social media that Angel, the daughter of her helper Joanalyn Costales, had passed away.

Source: @andreanatayshilin_ on Instagram

She elaborated in a video that although her helper had returned to the Philippines, Angel had to be taken off life support.

“Sadly, the doctor says there isn’t any way of helping her anymore,” Ms Tay said.

Angel had been diagnosed with an aneurysm after complaining to her mum of constant headaches, before she started vomiting and fainted.

She then fell into a coma.

Ms Tay and her helper managed to reach the fundraiser goal of one million pesos (around S$23,000), so they will now use the money to pay off the accumulated bills.

Source: @andreanatayshilin_ on Instagram

She thanked donors, noting that they’re “thankful for all the heartfelt donations and is in forever gratitude to all”.


“Let this be a reminder to cherish the people around you and even the smallest ‘I love you’ or ‘Goodbye’ to your loved ones would mean a lot,” Ms Tay added.

Give.Asia crowdfund raised more than S$33,000

Ms Tay had started the fundraiser on Give.Asia on Sunday (2 June) as the family had difficulty raising the funds required for Angel’s hospitalisation and medication.

They quickly managed to reach their goal, raising S$33,133, from 1,401 donors within a day.

Source: Give.Asia

The unfortunate news came on Monday (3 June), however.

In an update on the site, Ms Tay posted: “All the proceeds will be given to her family to prepare for her funeral and all the medical, hospitalisation bills for her treatment during the time of the event.”

“Thank you so much, and let’s all pray for Angel in heaven.”

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Featured image adapted from @andreanatayshilin_ on Instagram.

Jonathan Yee

Jonathan is a bedroom headbanger. His Kobo is never far from him.

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