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S’pore Couple Surprises Helper By Inviting Her Family On Bali Holiday, They Share Teary Reunion

Singapore Couple Plans Bali Family Reunion For Helper Who Hasn’t Seen Daughter In Three Years

Domestic helpers leave their homes and travel to faraway lands in search of better employment opportunities.

Wanting to thank their helper, Zulae, for all she has done, a Singapore couple recently decided to surprise her during their Bali trip together.

Besides flying Zuale out, Theinesh and his wife Denez also flew their helper’s family – which includes her 11-year-old daughter – out to join them on their holiday.

Safe to say, Zulae was pleasantly surprised by her family’s appearance at the Bali villa and they shared a teary reunion.

Witnessing the touching moment, Theinesh shared that all of them shed tears of joy.

Helper embraces family in teary reunion

Theinesh started off his TikTok video by sharing that it has been three years since Zulae saw her daughter and the rest of her family.

He told MS News that Zulae is a single mother who worked hard for her family back home in Semarang, Indonesia.

Since working for the family in 2019, she had been good to Theinesh, his wife Denez, as well as their kids.

Initially, the couple wanted to fly Zulae’s 11-year-old daughter over to Singapore but she did not have a passport and hence could not leave Indonesia.


That’s when the couple decided to surprise Zulae on their Bali trip, flying her daughter and her sister’s family over to join them on the holiday. The trip was also planned to fall on Zulae’s birthday month.

In his video, Theinesh documented their journey to Bali. Zulae seemed unsuspecting the entire time, caring for the couple’s children as usual.

Source: @neshpac on TikTok

After arriving in Bali and checking in, Zulae was filmed sitting by the villa’s pool when Denez brought her daughter in.

As she made her way towards her mum, Zulae was shocked and overwhelmed with emotions, immediately standing up and giving her a tight embrace.

Source: @neshpac on TikTok

Following close behind was presumably Zulae’s sister with her own young daughter. The four then had a group hug.

Source: @neshpac on TikTok

When they broke apart, Zulae looked at her daughter, as if not believing her own eyes and hugged her again.

Spends five days with family

Zulae then turned her attention to the couple. In tears, she gave Denez – who also appeared to be crying – a huge hug, thanking her and Theinesh.

Source: @neshpac on TikTok

Theinesh then documented more precious moments of Zulae’s reunion with her daughter.

Source: @neshpac on TikTok

At one point, she turned towards the couple and asked “how can it be?”, all while crying with joy.

Theinesh said witnessing the mother and child duo reunite brought them all to tears.

Zulae and her family spent the next five days with Theinesh’s family — they shopped, ate, went sightseeing, and beach-hopped together.

Source: @neshpac on TikTok

But eventually, all good things have to come to an end. Theinesh said that when they had to part ways, it was a truly bittersweet moment.

Now that the family is back in Singapore, Zulae still thanks the couple often.

“She said she will never ever forget this for the rest of her life”, Theinesh shared.

Couple wanted to thank their helper for all she has done

Speaking to MS News, Theinesh said Zulae started working for the family in 2019 after the birth of his first son. The second son was born the following year.

Because of the pandemic, Denez’s mother was unable to come over from Malaysia and help out. To make things worse, the couple worked in the aviation industry, which was badly affected.

But throughout this time, Theinesh shared that Zulae had been amazing.

“She took care of the family, household, and most importantly my two kids”, he said.

Theinesh described Zulae as the most joyful person he has ever met, adding that she does not have a hint of negativity within her.

He and Denez knew it was not easy for Zulae who showers so much love on their children while being away from her own daughter.

After becoming parents themselves, the couple could not imagine how hard it had been for her not seeing her daughter for so many years.

The couple had planned the Bali trip about two months in advance, since August. During that time, Denez was in contact with Zulae’s sister to plan and coordinate the surprise.

At the end of the day, Theinesh said they wanted to do something for Zulae who had done so much for their family.

He shares that they are happy it turned out exactly how they wanted it to.

Since they returned to Singapore, everything had gone back to the way it was but he said Zulae now has “an even bigger smile”.

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Featured image adapted from @neshpac on TikTok.

Sabrina Seng

Sabrina is always facing some form of existential crisis but other than that, she's pretty chill.

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