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Homeless M’sian Man Shares Plight In TikTok Video, Factory Owner Offers Job, Medical Help & Housing

Malaysian Factory Owner Helps Out Homeless Man Found On TikTok

The plight of countless individuals in less fortunate circumstances often gets ignored in the world we live in today.

However, some occasionally do step up to offer their assistance, setting an example for the rest of us to follow.

A content creator on TikTok shared a recent conversation he had with a homeless man in Malaysia.

Soon after, a factory owner said he would be willing to help the man — providing him with housing and medical assistance.

Content creator shares plight of homeless man

On 3 July, Malaysian content creator Hwa-G aka @hwa.g_sugarboys on TikTok posted a series of conversations he had with homeless folks in the country.

One of them was Mr Wong, who has lived on a skybridge at Petaling Street for over a year, with only a piece of cardboard for comfort.

Source: @hwa.g_sugarboys on TikTok

Mr Wong shared that he was unable to work due to the injuries on his leg, purportedly caused by “the second immunisation dose”.

Source: @hwa.g_sugarboys on TikTok

“When I stand and walk too long my leg hurts,” added Mr Wong. “My leg will swell.”

Source: @hwa.g_sugarboys on TikTok

As it turns out, Mr Wong moved from Ipoh to Kuala Lumpur for work but could not continue when his condition worsened.


He said that he has tried seeking advice from doctors to no avail.

Source: @hwa.g_sugarboys on TikTok

Mr Wong then shared that there had been someone who was willing to help him with his situation.

However, they have not followed up on their promises, as two months have passed since their last interaction.

Source: @hwa.g_sugarboys on TikTok

Tearing up, he admitted, “I wanted to die but I can’t.”

Mr Wong has also had to scavenge for food from the trash and accept money from strangers in an effort to eke out a living.

Source: @hwa.g_sugarboys on TikTok

Factory owner offers to help homeless man

Fortunately, all hope wasn’t yet lost for Mr Wong, as a kind Samaritan stepped forward to offer his assistance.

Hwa-G later shared in an update that a factory owner, Mr Recol Wong, commented that he would be willing to help.

Source: @hwa.g_sugarboys on TikTok

He further assured Hwa-G that he would arrange to bring Mr Wong to his factory in Johor Bahru (JB).

Hwa-G then reached out to the factory owner, and received more updates on Mr Wong’s condition.

Source: @hwa.g_sugarboys on TikTok

Mr Recol Wong had helped to disinfect Mr Wong’s wounds, bought him a new phone, provided showering facilities, and even gave him a fresh trim.

Source: @hwa.g_sugarboys on TikTok

In addition, he said that Mr Wong would remain under his care and receive medical assistance before starting work in the factory.

Hwa-G also shared a current picture Mr Wong, with there being a noticeable difference.

Source: @hwa.g_sugarboys on TikTok

Content creator thanks factory owner for helping homeless man

Hwa-G went on to ask Mr Recol Wong why he decided to assist a stranger on TikTok. In response, the latter said it was destiny.

“I appreciate [Recol Wong] for doing so much for a total stranger from TikTok,” Hwa-G said.

Source: @hwa.g_sugarboys on TikTok

Hwa-G additionally mentioned that he would be paying the pair a visit, and would post an update when the time comes.

He further explained that he began creating such content to “spread kindness”.

Source: @hwa.g_sugarboys on TikTok

“I wanted to show love to the people in need,” he said, adding that he hoped there would be more who would follow Mr Recol Wong’s example.

Kudos to duo for helping out the less fortunate

With countless cases of people forced to live in the streets as there are no better alternatives, we can do our part to help them.

Kudos to Hwa-G and Mr Recol Wong for stepping up to assist Mr Wong.

Hopefully, more will follow suit and come forth to help those in need.

Have news you must share? Get in touch with us via email at

Featured image adapted from @hwa.g_sugarboys on TikTok and TikTok.

Sudeshna Dhar

Sudeshna is a lover of all romcoms, especially Gone Girl (2014).

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