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Man in S’pore spills hot oil on Bedok bazaar stall assistant over sold-out churros, gets S$4,500 fine

Man in Singapore spills hot oil on Bedok churros stall assistant in Oct 2023 

While visiting a Halloween carnival at Bedok Community Centre (CC) last October, a man got angry after discovering that the churros he had intended to buy were sold out.

Source: Google Maps

In a fit of anger, the 46-year-old Li Huiyong (name transliterated from Chinese) insulted the churro seller and knocked over a pot of hot oil, scalding another stall assistant in the process.

According to Shin Min Daily News, Mr Li visited the carnival with his daughter, girlfriend, and his girlfriend’s mother.

The 46-year-old initially started queueing for the snack at about 9.45pm but left the queue halfway before rejoining the line some 15 minutes later.

Source: Freepik. For illustration purposes only.

Mr Li got to the front of the queue after about two minutes but learned that the churros were sold out.

The stall assistant tried explaining that they closed at 10pm. However, Mr Li was unsatisfied with the explanation and proceeded to insult her while gesturing with his hands.

As the 46-year-old was moving backwards, he knocked over a table and spilt hot oil on another stall assistant.

The stall assistant reportedly sustained burns on her right hand and abdomen as a result.

Mr Li’s actions were captured by the CC’s closed-circuit cameras.

The 46-year-old faced three charges and was fined S$4,500 on Monday (24 June).


Also read: Man Threatens Hougang Shop Assistants With 2 Knives, Gets Arrested By Police

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Featured image adapted from Google Maps and Freepik. Right picture is for illustration purposes only.

Thanawut Fasaisirinan

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