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PUB sub-contractor worker dies from inhaling hydrogen sulphide gas, 2 others in ICU

PUB sub-contractor worker dies from inhaling hydrogen sulphide gas

A subcontractor working for the Public Utilities Board (PUB) lost his life after inhaling hydrogen sulphide gas while performing routine tank cleaning tasks with coworkers at Choa Chu Kang Waterworks (CCKWW).

Apart from the deceased, two other workers are reportedly in intensive care.

Three workers inhale hydrogen sulphide gas during work

PUB told MS News in a statement that three PUB sub-contractor workers were found to have collapsed at around 11.15am on Thursday (23 May) during routine tank cleaning.

“Preliminary investigations indicate that the workers had inhaled hydrogen sulphide, a gas produced from sludge which is a by-product of the water treatment process,” PUB added in the statement.

The Singapore Police Force (SPF) also confirmed with MS News that three workers, aged between 24 and 40, were transported unconscious to hospital.

One of them, the 40-year-old, subsequently passed away.

The other two are in intensive care at Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, according to PUB’s statement.

Initial investigations by the police have not raised suspicions of foul play, but further investigations are ongoing.

Source: PUB, Singapore’s National Water Agency on Facebook

PUB also sent its sincere condolences to the family of the victim and would provide support to the families of the workers.

“As a precaution, PUB has called a safety timeout for similar operations in confined spaces and is reviewing the associated safety measures,” PUB added.


According to Channel NewsAsia (CNA), hydrogen sulphide is a dangerous colourless, foul-smelling gas resembling the odour of rotten eggs or sewage, known for its high toxicity and flammability.

Also read: Gondola Carrying 2 Workers Tips Sideways Atop Boon Lay HDB, Both Taken To Hospital

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Featured image adapted from Singapore International Water Week and PUB on Facebook.

Thanawut Fasaisirinan

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