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41-Year-Old Indonesian Woman Marries Teenager, His Mother Initially Gave Her Blessing

41-Year-Old Indonesian Woman Marries 16-Year-Old Teenager Who Is Her Friend’s Son

While couples with large age gaps would raise eyebrows when the man is older, the shock would arguably be more pronounced when the wife is decades older than her husband.

However, a few couples have already defied controversy.

The latest to make headlines is a 41-year-old Indonesian woman who married a 16-year-old teenager.

Source: Facebook

Their union was initially approved by the boy’s mother, who’s a friend of the woman.

Couple got married on 30 July

Mariana and Kevin, the couple with a 25-year age gap, were married on 30 July in Indonesia’s West Kalimantan province, reported TribunNews.

Their wedding photos quickly caused a stir on social media as she posed in an exquisite bridal gown and he wore a dashing suit.

They also showed off their wedding rings.

Source: Lisa Tbbr on Facebook

Teenager’s mother is friend of his bride

While most parents wouldn’t want their teenage son to marry someone much older, Kevin’s mother reportedly gave the couple her blessing.

That may be because his mother, Lisa, is a close friend of Mariana’s.

This approval comes despite Lisa, who is 37 years old, being four years younger than her son’s new bride.


Source: Tribun Pontianak Interaktif on Facebook

Mariana, a wealthy grocery store owner, had been depressed after her previous engagement to a man was called off.

While Lisa gave her emotional support, Kevin, who met Mariana when he was just 12 years old, called her “auntie”.

However, things took a turn when Mariana asked Lisa whether her she would allow her son to develop a relationship with her.

When Lisa asked her son about it, he was stunned for a while but eventually agreed.

Indonesian teenager marries woman happily: Mother

When people accused Lisa of letting her son marry Mariana for her money, Lisa denied this.

She said Kevin wasn’t forced to marry the older woman, but did so “happily”.

To refute these accusations, she even shared a photo of the couple after their marriage, where Kevin appears to be smiling and holding hands with Mariana.

Source: Facebook

Lisa claimed she’d never taken a cent from her new daughter-in-law, even declining her gifts.

Kevin, on his part, is reportedly no longer in school and is instead working at a shop in the village.

Indonesia woman says she marries teenager out of love

When interviewed by TribunNews, Mariana said she married Kevin out of love.

She doesn’t mind that her new husband is much younger than her, she added, as she believes he can grow up and become much more mature after marriage.

Source: Tribun Pontianak Interaktif on Facebook

The couple had apparently been dating for just two months before taking the plunge.

While Mariana “didn’t expect” to marry Kevin, they wanted to live their lives together so they don’t care about the age difference, she maintained.

Child protection agency decries marriage

However, one party that does care is the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) in West Kalimantan.

A KPAI spokesman told TribunNews that the marriage shouldn’t have gone ahead because Kevin is still a minor, being under the age of 18.

They’ve advised the police to take action against Mariana by looking for evidence against her of engaging in child marriage.

This has caused Lisa, who was previously acquiescent, to seemingly have a change of heart.

She reportedly posted on Facebook that it would be “good” if the couple divorced as the case has become problematic.

Source: TribunNews

She also claimed she was unaware that child marriage was against the law.

Couple disallowed from sharing a bed

In the meantime, KPAI visited Mariana and Kevin.

They were told that until receiving further orders, they should sleep in separate beds.

Mariana told TribunNews that she was “sad” at the development, as she now has to wait for two years to have contact with her husband.

They’re allowed to have sexual relations only when Kevin is 18 years old, she added.

Age is just a number

Mariana and Kevin aren’t the first couple to have made the news recently for their yawning age gap.

In Thailand, a 56-year-old woman was reportedly engaged to a 19-year-old boy who is 37 years her junior.

Over in Japan, a 61-year-old woman got married to a 29-year-old man after two chance encounters in Tokyo.

And over the Causeway in Malaysia, a 22-year-old man fell in love with and married a 48-year-old woman who was formerly his teacher.

While some people may disapprove, these couples from four different countries would definitely agree with the adage: Age is just a number.

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Featured image adapted from Lisa Tbbr on Facebook and Facebook.

Jeremy Lee

Analog person making do with a digital world.

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