Mynahs Get Into ‘Gang Fight’ In Pasir Ris Park As Photographer Captures Intense Drama

4 Mynahs Fight In Pasir Ris Park Like They Are In WWE Battle Royale

Mynahs are a fairly common sight in Singapore. Walk down any ordinary footpath and you’re bound to catch these birds going about their daily routine.

What’s significantly less common, though, is seeing them getting involved in a ‘gang fight’, battling it out among themselves with ferocity.

Yet this was the scene that greeted photographer Andrew Hunt when he was out and about recently in Pasir Ris Park.

Javan Mynahs attack each other at Pasir Ris Park

Speaking to MS News, Mr Hunt said the startling sight occurred at about 1.30pm last Sunday (30 Oct) at Pasir Ris Park.

Source: Andrew Hunt on Facebook

While he had seen mynahs tussle with each other thrice before, this was the most aggressive fight he’d ever seen. It was “vicious” and “intensely noisy”, although no major injuries were evident.

He posted a series of pictures to the Nature Society (Singapore) Facebook group, detailing the scene in question.

In the first picture, three mynahs ganged up on a fourth mynah, which was grounded and defending itself from the other birds’ talons.

Source: Andrew Hunt on Facebook

It then managed to choke one of the attackers with its leg. However, the situation soon worsened when two of the mynahs clamped its beak shut.

Source: Andrew Hunt on Facebook

Another picture showed one of the attackers on the ground as well, reportedly getting close to having its eye gouged out.

Source: Andrew Hunt on Facebook

“Eventually the melee ended with the mynahs flying off to battle somewhere else,” he said, adding that it had lasted for a short period of time.


Netizens compare attack to gang fight

Many users expressed their awe over the majestic photographs, comparing the melee to a gang fight.

Source: Facebook

Some even offered hilarious suggestions on how to break them apart.

Source: Facebook

Other netizens, including Mr Hunt himself, noted that clashes between mynas were fairly common.

Source: Facebook

According to studies, fights between mynahs are usually due to territorial or mating disputes.

These tussles may often even end in death, due to the heightening of aggression in mynahs which are parts of groups. Thankfully, this didn’t seem to be the case for the birds in question.

A similar scene occurred last year when a Redditor posted footage of two mynahs attacking another bird in Sengkang.

Hope all parties are okay

Given how urbanised Singapore is, getting the chance to witness parts of nature’s wonders is few and far between.

Every now and then, though, we do manage to catch glimpses of what life is like for the wildlife in our country.

Kudos to Mr Hunt for managing to capture such a wondrous moment for others to enjoy as well.

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Featured image adapted from Andrew Hunt on Facebook.

Sudeshna Dhar

Sudeshna is a lover of all romcoms, especially Gone Girl (2014).

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